So ....What now?

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Bella stared out the small cabin window, the fluffy white clouds should've calmed her but it did nothing other than make her think more about the place they were currently flying to now.

"You didn't have done this you know " she heard whispered near her ear. Without turning away from the window she shrugged, leaning back into the comfortable seat.

"I know" she paused , slowly turning back to face the blonde vampire. The rest of the Cullen family were scattered around in their own seats having quiet conversations, or like Emmet playing video games on his screen.

A small smile tugged at the enchantress's lips "but having to wait until the sun is gone for a flight out would've been too much for Jasper, being cramped in such a small place with an all you can eat buffet" she joked Widening her eyes comically.

"Imagine the scandal" she gasped mocking outrage, the blonde vampires lips quirked up in a half smile at the lame attempt at a joke.

"You're not answering my question" replied Rosalie.

Bella huffed "I don't recall you asking one" she drawled.

"Isabella" said Rosalie

"That's my name don't wear it out" she teased , the blonde vampire sighed shaking her head at the humor.

"I've noticed you deflect with humor whenever we're in a serious situation. So I'll assume you're as worried as I am?"

Bella bit her bottom lip , holding an impassive expression.

"You're not wrong, but you're not completely right either. I don't care what the Volturi will try and do to me." She paused fixing the vampire with a serious look.

"You're worried about me?" She asked, in reply Bella hummed her answer. She wouldn't tell the vampire just yet about her plans. Within a month they would graduate and then she would complete Rosalie's new transition and her own.

"I'm worried that they might do something to you and that would make me a very unhappy enchantress—so unhappy that I might play around with the so called Kings" she answered honestly.


Bella shakes her head she didn't need Rosalie to tell her that attacking the Volturi wasn't a good idea—realistically she knew it wasn't especially with them having so many gifted vampires on their side but right now that didn't matter to Bella —if she felt Rosalie was in danger she would act .. consequences be damned.

"I know... just let's focus on something else for the moment yeah?"


Later came and even idle conversation didn't alleviate her worries, they arrived in Italy , they took the hired car to take them to volterra.

The Cullens didn't make the journey any better and she was sure if jasper didn't have his necklace he would be suffering a nervous breakdown from everyone's anxieties.

She huffed leaning against the tinted window as they drove through the city in the large SUV.

"We're here" murmured rose beside they enchantress who nodded mechanically. They exited the car quickly and walked through the entrance—from the outside it looked a perfect old castle preserved by the government for tourist attractions and Bella wondered if that was how the Volturi lured their meals in under the pretense of a tour.

They were helped by a nice woman —Gianna apparently , Bella furrowed her eyes and looked to Edward who answered her unasked question.

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