Blood oaths

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Previously on We started over:

"Jacob we cant talk if you don't say anything"

"Jacob I miss you too, but you .. really hurt me the things you said isn't easily forgiven or forgotten."

"Sam.. doesn't know"

"When you decide to stand beside me as my brother again.. I'll be waiting"

Two days has passed since Bella spoke to Jacob about his options, since she told him the decision was up to him and now on a rainy Monday evening, as Zeus sent down his blessings on forks in the form of heavy rain. Bella's stares at the soaked bruised boy before her, holding his ribs looking much worse for wear.

Bella opened her mouth then closed it again trying to form a response to the boy standing in front of her, bare chested, breathing heavily as the rain continued to pour on him.

"Jake what- "She tried but stopped when his golden eyes stared back into her own mismatched green and blue ones.She witnessed that both Jake and his wolf was present at the moment, well that wasn't true she didn't know as much as she suspected when she felt the ancient magic roll of the younger teen in waves.

His voice came out deep and rough as if he screamed himself hoarse, the words were quiet as if he was pleading her to believe him.

"I choose to become an alpha." His eyes never waivereed as he continued "I choose to lead my pack and most of all I choose to stand by my sister and her mate come hell or high water, I will always be on your side" Bella felt the promise she felt like she'd been transported back in time to that small wet cave where their first oath was made.

She watched the boy pull out a small pocket knife and pulled it across his open right palm , Jacob barely let off a hiss at the action, blood seeped from the open wound. He offered the knife to Bella.

She took the object with an even hand and pulled the knife across the same scar she earned on her left palm.

Her own eyes lit up with magic "I Isabella Marie Swan promises to be your sister always and forever" she whispered the same words she did when she was 10.

"I Jacob Black promises to be your brother always and forever" he replied and sealed their oath with a handshake allowing their blood to mix with each other. Just then Bella could feel the difference and she saw the difference in Jacobs eyes, a ring of azure blue circled around the golden/brown iris. Something told Bella that their oath was much more than just a childhood oath, she needed to look into her spell books but for now she pulled jacob into a hug being mindful of his injuries "I've missed you Jay" she whispered in his ear.

She heard him sniffle and held her tighter "I'm so sorry B ... I'm so sorry" he repeated over and over again. She whispered reassurances to him telling him that she forgave him.

They stood like that for a while until the sound of heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs made them move out of the comforting hug.

"Jake?" Asked Charlie from his spot on the stairs as he stared at his daughter in her pyjamas and Jacob Nate chested with but a denim shorts he fought down his worries but the he noticed blood on their hands. He knew what it meant.

"Clean up the mess" he said before going back up the stairs then looked over his shoulder at Jacob "Welcome home Jake .. but hurt your little sister again and I'll lock you up"

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