Oh carlisle's here

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Previously on We started over:

"I don't know why you're laughing Rosalie , my dad is going to grill you too"

"Your eyes... what .. huh?"


"Good then off you go, you kids have fun, I'll call you down when Carlisle arrives"

"Are you saying that the gods made me a vampire so that I could be with you?"

Bella and Rosalie found themselves in the family room for the rest of the Cullens to come home, Rosalie said she would need to do some shopping to replace the headboard Bella broke and the mirror Rosalie threw Bella into accidentally.

Bella offered her card to pay for the damages since it was her fault after all but the vampire wouldn't hear of it.

"Rose just take the damn card and stop being so prideful" she huffed

"This isn't the 1950's where I need my partner to pay for things because I'm a woman Bella, I have more than enough money to replace a headboard and mirror" she scoffed folding her arms angrily.

"I'm sure you do but it's not about the money , it's the principle and when did I ever treat you like that?" she asked confusedly.

"Principle?" Completely Ignoring the fact that Bella even posed a question.

"It's a very common word Rosalie, it means a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as a foundation for a system or chain of reasoning" she said innocently, she swore she could see steam escape Rosalie's ears at the comment.

"God could you be even more infuriating? I know what the damn word means Isabella"

Bella rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest "then why are you arguing about it?" She tilted her head sideways "I know I don't treat you like a housewife stuck in the 1950's, so what's the real reason you don't want to take my money?"

Rosalie stared at the brunette in front of her, her lips were drawn into a thin line as she refused to respond. That's how the Cullen children found them strolling into the door smack dab in the middle of their conversation ? Argument? Either or Bella was quite interested in the Rosalie's reasoning.

"Because ... because I don't want you to dig into your college fund Bella, you're already giving up enough as it is" she said finally.

Bella shook her head and she should've realized someone who was so stuck in her beliefs wouldn't be so easily swayed, she might not think of herself as this blood thirsty monster anymore but it was clear she didn't think Bella needed to live anything other than a human life. Even her fight with James couldn't sway her if it did anything , it probably proved her point.

"Firstly : I'm not digging into any college fund it's laughable that you think I could have one with Renee as a mother.

Secondly ? I'm a billionaire I have money , and thirdly Rosalie ? I'm not giving anything up by being with you .. and I honestly don't know why you think I am... where is it even coming from? I thought you were pretty happy with the idea of eternity with me?" She asked the last part softly.

Rosalie took note of the audience they gathered and decided to put a lid on their discussion, she didn't want her family to hear more than they already did.

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