You were made for me

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Previously on we started over:

"Bella she's a leech"

"What the hell Jake?"

"I don't care I'm gay .. they need to deal with it"

"Oh what can I say ? I've always had a thing for cougars"

"you better not be doing anything when I get there kid"

"Oh fuck"

Within two minutes Bella was dressed in a sweatpants , , the room smelled heavily of sex , with a groan she nearly emptied a bottle of air freshener trying to remove the smell and opened every window to get rid of the smell,  with Rosalie laughing all the while at the panicked look on Bella's face.

"I don't know why you're laughing Rosalie , my dad is going to grill you too" she huffed in annoyance, the vampire didn't care well too much at least but Bella did —and Bella didn't need or want another of her fathers safe sex speeches , wearing a condom or whatever especially not with Rosalie in the room.

"Bella you realize I'm older than your father? He could hardly embarrass me about having sex."

Bella rolled her eyes, wiping down the couch, before grimacing. " yes, well right now he doesn't know that you're a 90 year old vampire that has plenty of experience —to him your a 18 year old girl who defiled his very virginal daughter"

"You're a virgin?" She spluttered in disbelief , the way Bella fucked her wasn't very a virgin like—she clearly knew what she was doing— she assumed the girl had experience but clearly that wasn't the case —however her beast purred after the fact that her mate was pure and she was the first one to experience just how great she was in bed.

"Obviously not anymore Rosalie" she muttered impatiently.

"Well could've of fooled me" she said under her breath, she sat on the couch that they just defiled.

"If you'd like I can tell your father I'm older than he thinks" she mentioned trying to be helpful but Bella's aghast expression clearly told her that was the wrong thing to say.

"Yeah I'm sure that will sound better 'no dad she's not a teenager she already 90 years old' I'm sure that will go swimmingly with the chief of police, he'll probably arrest you for pedophilia or something" she said sarcastically.

"Why would you put that image in my head Isabella?" She gagged before shaking away the dreadful thoughts Bella's comment brought up.

Bella laughed at the disgusted expression on Rosalie's face, she placed a kiss on the vampires lips "don't worry it was all very consensual sweetheart" her eye caught Rosalie's panties hanging on the lamp shade. The door opened and Bella quickly sped over and shoved the underwear into her pocket.

"Hey dad" she waved innocently.

"Bella" she said gruffly and then smiled politely to Rosalie "hello Rosalie"

"Want to tell me why my daughter decided to skip school with her girlfriend ?"

"Uhm well you see.."was all she got out before her dad lifted his hand halting her explanation.

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