At the cost of my own life

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Arriving at the house with a human in tow was disconcerting to say the least because well once again Bella seemed to forget to mention to anyone else aside from Rosalie that the girl would be coming joined by Jacob.

The tension that had been hanging in the air for the past two days finally reached boiling point. Causing arguments to erupt, questions to be thrown into Carlisles face , coven leader standing against coven leader asking things the poor blonde haired man really had a tough time answering.

Most of the questions of course were pertaining to Bella's need to spread the secret of supernaturals so wildly without caring for the consequences.

The hybrid in question though didn't even seem offended if anything she was barely listening to the discussion taking place. Instead her sole focus was on Angela;who seemed entirely uncomfortable about being the center of a discussion too, the newly named oracle sat in a seat, wringing her fingers while her eyes shifted back and forth between Carlisle and Tanya—Bella noticed the fear in her eyes, she noticed a flinch each time voices were raised but most of all she she noticed when the girl seemingly went into a trance , a trance Bella only recognized because whenever Alice would get a vision her eyes would glaze over and become unfocused.

The very thing was happening to Angela , the girls body went stiff as she Bella watched her being transported somewhere else that wasn't in the Cullens home—

'Make use of my magic young one—and tap into her mind' Bella heard mentally—in a blink of an eye she kneeled down before the dazed girl, putting her forefingers to her head and muttered a spell under her breath.

Bella's eyes closed as she felt herself being pulled into something. She tugged harder on the strings that laid before her into the right side of Angela's mind.

The images Bella saw wasn't something she was ready for—

Angela's vision.

On grassy plains she stood beside Angela who seemed to be watching the scene unfold cautiously—the oracle didn't even seem to notice Bella's presence—but before she could question it her eyes were drawn to four figures before her.

She saw a man, his face blurry —but his voice rung through the plains strongly.

"You have a choice.. submit and die by my hand or I will let you watch as your mate is ripped away from you.. and the precious cargo she carries."

Before the man stood future Bella, she looked worn , tired out and present Bella didn't know what the man was referring too but it was clear this was something the Bella in the vision knew. Because the next thing the hybrid saw was herself falling to her knees before the man , her face unreadable. The hybrid saw herself turn and say something to Rosalie but couldn't hear what it was that made the blondes face contort into a grief stricken expression.

"What is this" she questioned quietly to herself , a hand reached to the kneeling Bella, her eyes turned bloodshot —then nothing. She felt herself being pulled out of the dream? Vision.

Stuck in a kneeling position this time —she knew why she was —she went to into the oracles mind only to see what ? Her prophetic death?



"Bella!!" Blinking owlishly only to stare at the blonde who had her face cupped between her palms. Violet orbs peering into her own, she identified the concern , worry and maybe a hint of confusion. Bella didn't understand why, Rosalie surely didn't see what she had so to her the blonde didn't have to worry.

But realization smacked into the hybrid as she felt tears being wiped away. Tears she had no idea were even falling—she didn't understand why she was crying , she didn't understand why she felt so much pain at seeing herself die. She didn't understand why the hell she felt so weak , powerless in the face of that unknown man.

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