I will always love you..

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Still in the realm she sat in silence contemplating the beings words.

"Since you're fate.. you're able to see what will happen if I choose either right?" She asked after a while.

The being hummed "I can .. but do you think it's wise to allow yourself see what may happen depending on your choice?" Bella shrugged , putting her chin on her arms.

"It might make things even worse than they are now" she replied.

"Yet you still wish to see? you are strange" Asked the being confusedly. Bella let out a soft chuckle at fates' confusion.

"Yeah.. that's what makes us so insufferable .. you know .. even knowing that it might cause us pain , we go ahead and do it anyway."

With a wave of hand the landscape change and Bella stood beside the figure who still kept her fathers appearance.

"This is if you choose to have your child die to keep the world safe"

Bella watched the scene unfold before her with a clenched jaw—she watched as she refused Drake and was too slow to stop the dagger from piercing Rosalie's stomach. She turned away from the blood pouring from the blonde—the wailing that pierced the air.

A loud explosion gained her attention as she watched her arms being covered in fire and lightning as she burned their enemies to crisps.

The image changed and she now watched herself and Rosalie sit inside a room with Carlisle as the man explained that because of the dagger, conceiving would never be possible. —once again she watched the whispered arguments between the two occur , the anger in both of them —the deep depression the couple found themselves in.

She watched as Rosalie would cry herself to sleep as her future self would sit outside the bedroom door with her head in her hands.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and she tapped the being shoulder "that's enough." She whispered.

Fate nodded its head and changed the view once again.

"This is if you choose to save your child" said fate.. Bella watched as she blurred toward Rosalie taking her away from the battlefield and blurred back to the field to fight drake—the battle waged on until each and every Cullen laid in pieces on the ground with Bella holding her arm looking worse for wear.

Present Bella watched as six vampires descended on her and held her neck to drake. Drake sucked her magic until she dropped to the ground. Not dead still alive.

The vision changed —she watched as cities were burned to ruin , as a crest symbolizing Drake was up —humans being treated as cattle — while the remaining vampires hid away amassing a resistance.

The image changed to a young boy standing behind Rosalie at a grave site.She stared at the name it was her own.

"But I'm not dead" she said to fate.

fate nodded "yes but your mate and your son thinks you are" it replied

Bella witnessed future Rosalie looking more ragged , tired and worn. Her tears falling from her eyes and she wished that Bella was there. Bella's eyes turned to the boy who's jaw was clenched, his hands tightened into fists.

"Mom .. it's time to go.. they'll be here soon" Bella felt a pang of pride go through the boy—she didn't even know him but she felt so much love for her unborn child.

The future Rosalie nodded and turned away "talk to you mama Isaac .. I'm sure she can hear you" she whispered before squeezing the boys shoulder.

The boy approached the grave site. "Mama" he said gravelly, Bella's heart squeezed at the term.

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