Pack mentality

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Previously on we started over:

"Well? you at least owe me an explanation?"

Choose ? Choose who did I choose Jacob use your words and stop growling while you're talking"

"She's not a leech or a whore anymore than you are a half breed. I don't care what you have to say about me Jacob but insult my mate once more... I dare you I fucking dare you!!.."

"You promised"

Bella wasn't sure how much time passed but she realized two things:

1: The sky above her was quickly darkening and any sun that might've been there was gone , eerily the sky reflected her current mood.

2:her phone had been buzzing non -stop in her jeans pocket.

With those thoughts she pulled out her phone grunting at the uncomfortable position. With a sigh the darkened screen reflected her current appearance and it was a disaster.

The mascara she applied that morning had run with the black eyeliner as well making her look like some poor axe victim from a bad horror movie. Grimacing at her reflection she quickly unlocked her phone and stared at the notifications.

Her thumb scrolled , mostly Rosalie, then Alice and a few from her new found best buddy in Jasper. She quickly sent off a text explaining she was fine and they had no need to worry.

But her fingers stopped when she was sending the same generic response to Rosalie.

She was well aware the vampire would know she was lying even through a text so she settled on the truth.

"The talk.... the talk didn't go so well , words were traded and blows but I'm okay physically .. emotionally I just need to get some rest .. I'll be home in a while".

Satisfied with herself her head fell back onto the headrest , she released a tired sigh at the days events.

She knew there had to be a reason Jacob was avoiding her ever since that day. She even went as far to think that he was too busy with pack things since he'd come into his inheritance or whatever... the fucking gene SHE activated but that didn't matter.. none of that did .. what mattered was the fact that Jacob Black was no longer the dorky , lovable teenager he was .. she surmised it would be better to call him a man now, his features clearly supported that.

But ... but his attitude toward her , toward the person she loved sickened her .. his words echoed in her mind —The first time he's ever said something so .. vile to her.. he used an old insecurity of her and used it to his advantage threw it back into her face.

She had gotten over it , she really did , she accepted the fact that she had been born different.When her future self melded with a current conscience at the time, she had the the foresight that all these changes were somehow necessary and it came along with her magical powers , her inheritance as an enchantress. The very last one that would ever walk the earth so yes, Bella had gotten over the fact that she had a cock between her legs..

A cock her lover loved, a cock she used to make Rosalie writhe and pant beneath her—A cock that reduced the normally hard headed vampire to a whimpering mess so much so that she begged Bella for release. It was safe to say that she even came to appreciate it and of course her skill with it.

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