Being a leader isnt a choice

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Previously on we started over:

"We're in your mind or our version of the astral plane "

"I do have a name it's Delphine as for your other questions

"Find the balance once more but this time include the foreign magic and make it your own Isabella"

I will say this if you continue this journey as the last enchantress my magic will be necessary when you encounter him.. goodbye for now young one"


Our enchantress was in her backyard lying on her back, eyes closed enjoying the few rays of light that streamed through the clouded skies, her fingers through the blades of grass idly. She felt at ease much better than before, definitely better than she felt after her fight with James.

Sensitive ears picked hesitant footsteps linger at the backdoor. She could basically feel the hesitance rolling of Jacob in waves. She smiled internally at the old mannerisms of her friend shining through.

"My dad said you wanted to talk" she quietly not bothering to open her eyes or change from her current position—knowing she didn't need to speak any louder because his enchanced hearing would pick up the words.

Each footstep seemed surer as they neared her, a shadow towered above her stopping the few rays of sunlight she was enjoying. With a huff she opened her eyes and stared at the offender. He stood awkwardly with his shoved deep into his denim shorts, wearing nothing but a thin vest and some tennis shoes, that shuffled on the ground the longer Bella remained quiet.

With a sigh she changed her position, standing up to her feet shaking off any dirt from her hands.

"Jacob we cant talk if you don't say anything" she said rolling her eyes. "Or if you keep staring at the ground" she added.

Jacobs eyes finally looked into her own and she could see the pain behind his brown orbs—but she refused to forgive him so easily—he looked like a kicked puppy and Bella didn't want to give into those eyes without a fight.

"B" she stopped him with raised brow at the use of her childhood nickname.

"You don't deserve to call me that after everything you said that day." She said sternly, her face remained impassive barely showing any emotion. She needed to approach this talk like she would approach a battle.

"Bella" he revised thickly "I miss you" he said sadly.

"Jacob I miss you too, but you .. really hurt me the things you said isn't easily forgiven or forgotten."

She watched him become increasingly more awkward yet frustrated as the conversation went on. "Bella you don't understand .. its like everything is in my head ! Like the thoughts I have isn't mine! You know I love you Bella you're my sister I would never use your condition against you.. I know how much you suffered when we were kids why would I do that?" He asked running his hands through his short hair. Bella stared a bit longer before she turned away.

Bella knew, she knew the man that stood before her that day wasn't the same Jacob that was standing before her in her back yard trying to explain his actions.

"I know that .. I know it wasn't you Jake believe me I do but at that moment when you said those things about the woman I love? can you see how much it hurt ? That my own brother didn't support me? Can you see why what you did that day hurt so much?" Tears burned her eyes, but she willed them away —she refused to cry —she did enough crying the day Jacob broke their promise.

"Bells" he took a step forward reaching out his arms to comfort Bella but she took one back out of his reach, letting the wolf's hands fall to his sides hopelessly"I know I have a lot to make up for but I want to fight with you against the leec—vampires" he said.

Bella scoffed folding her arms across her chest "what about your alpha ?"

Bella noticed the bristle , she witnessed a vein bulge in Jacobs neck as he fought against the urge to defend his alpha.

"Sam.. doesn't know" he said through gritted teeth.

Bella narrowed her gaze "huh, and how long do you think that'll last? Because as far as I know about wolves which admittedly isn't much but what I do know is that you guys share a pack mind—meaning if you shift he'll have access to your mind" she said raising a brow at the boys thought process.

Jacob grimaced and nodded knowing Bella was right.

"Then how are you planning to fight if Sam's against it?" She asked tiring of the conversation already, she doesn't want to talk about Sam or anyone but she wanted to work on their relationship.

"I don't know Bella it's not about the fight I just want to be there for you —Bella like old times .. I just .. just tell me what I need to do to make this right.. please" he pleaded

Bella turned her gaze away swallowing down her automatic stubborn response 'nothing you could do would make it right'

She thought back to what she felt inside of Jacob before, she knew the wolf was a born alpha much more of an alpha than Sam could ever be. He descended from the line that were one of the first shifters. If anything Sam was an Beta wolf. Her mind lit up with metaphorical lightbulb. She wet her lips the fixed the sad wolf with look "For starters you could reclaim your birthright" she said slowly, measuring his response when he didn't immediately refuse she carried on "You are the great grandson of Ephraim black— the first alpha amongst your tribe, the very alpha that saw the Cullens as a different type of vampire—saw the difference between them and the monsters that tore apart your tribe years ago, Sam will never forget the blood spilt and he could never differentiate between the Cullens and the red eyes that's killed your ancestors but you? you can Jacob"

Jacobs eyes widened at the response " Bella I cant ... Sam he was .. his a leader he wants to be a leader—"

Bella shook her head "and you don't? Jake I'll tell you one thing I've noticed after learning about history —people who wants to be leaders? Often creates more havoc and destruction in their wake .. but being a leader is not something you choose , it chooses you and you have been chosen by design ..wolves or shifters were created to keep the balance but I truly believe that each supernatural creature in our world has a place and they're more than just their species and you Jacob black see the people not the species , not their differences I know that ..—I do because when I was a scared 10 year old girl asking why my mommy doesn't love me you told me , you sat opposite me with a big smile on your face and told me 'B if your mom can't see how amazing you are as a person then she doesn't deserve to love you and doesn't deserve your love.' Then you cut your hand and promised me that you would love me regardless of my differences and our oath made us blood —a bond so sacred that it pulled me out of the dark , you became my light when we were children Jacob and I've been lucky enough to be blessed with two.. but you can be that same light for your pack, for your tribe —teach them to judge on the actions of a creature instead of what they are" her voice was even but a small tear escaped as she relived the memory, she noticed the tear tracts down Jacobs cheeks , she walked passed him and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"The question isn't whether you choose to be a leader or not the real question are you ready to take your rightful place the man , the wolf I know you could be? "

"When you decide to stand beside me as my brother again.. I'll be waiting"


A/N Short chapter just some Bella and Jake action.. Bella knows Jacob was heavily influenced by Sam so she decides to take Sam out of the equation and tell Jacob to take his rightful place ...

What will he choose?

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