Jacob huh?

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Previously on we started over :

"Bella you're still not disproving my point, all it means is that maybe you've gotten stronger which I think I can agree on but that still doesn't tell me how being blessed by the gods.How is possibly having cancer seen as a blessing?"

"Let's just go to the hospital so that we can see whether my gut is right or not okay?"

"The tests has come back clear, I'm very happy to say that you have no signs of cancer malignant or otherwise"


The news from Carlisle spread through Bella's body allowing her her to breath she didn't even know she'd been holding, even though she had readied her mind for a negative outcome it didn't mean she wasn't ecstatic to be proven otherwise.

Her eyes drifted to Rosalie's form, her rigid composure no more, the vampire slumped back into her seat a relieved smile playing on her red lips , clearly happy and just as relieved to hear the news like Bella was.

"I think I'm going to go home and get some rest , the days been..." exhaling a breath, a small genuine but tired smile tugging at her lips.

"Exhausting" she finished


Bella parked her car in the garage, she spotted Charlie's police cruiser on the side walk. She didn't leave the car instead she sat motionless thinking about the days events, she was relieved she didn't have cancer , from the small conversations her father had with her , she knew the disease was horrible and he witnessed his own father go through his own battle, she was happy he didn't need to go through it again even if she had other plans.

Tap tap

Sounded on the passengers window, her gaze snapped to the sound and saw her father standing beside her car sporting his Sunday lazies, as she affectionately called it.

A rather big football tee and a pair of grey joggers she imagined his feet would be covered in those wooly socks he loved. She sent a smile over to the man and climbed out of the car.

"Wanna tell me why you look like you have a million things going through that mind of yours bells?" He asked carefully.

Shoving her hands deep into her sweatpants pockets she shrugged "nothing much dad, just needed a moment you know"

Charlie watched her carefully, his eyebrows furrowing before nodding slowly, he could understand that , two months ago his daughter was in Arizona, Phoenix living with Renee in a big city but now she was in stuck in the small town of Forks,Washington the rainiest part of the continental US.

He knows he probably asked her too many times but he couldn't help it he needed to know whether his daughter was happy to be here but now he saw her face, it told him clearly 'I'll tell you all about it........later' so he nodded at the unheard plea and motioned Bella to get in the house.

"Come on kid , it's still damn cold outside and I can make a mean cup of hot chocolate ?"

Bella followed her father with grin , hot chocolate would be perfect given the way the day ended. She might not have cancer but the scare was all too real.

"Yeah dad that sounds great"


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