2 Birds 1 stone

196 28 4

That prick!

Jaehwa angrily stomped down on the ground as she walked along the sidewalk, cursing and fuming at the prick who had managed to ruin her day. Just why does he have to be such a jerk? Though she was finally able to track down the source of the smell she still wasn't able to get the pungent stench out of the place and by the time, it had spread all over the hallway causing quite the commotion.

To say the least, Sahan was not pleased.

She bit down on her lower lip so hard that it made a wound and the metallic taste of her blood spread across her tongue. "URGH!"

Jaehwa cried in rage as she walked on seething. Someone bumped into her shoulders, or perhaps maybe it was the other way round but her mind was not on the right track.

"Watch where you are going!" A voice snapped.

"F**k off!"

A moment later, her eyes turned the size of saucers as she realized what she had said. At the spur of the moment, she had accidentally directed all of her anger towards a certain prick to the unsuspecting stranger. She paused and looked up ready to apologize when he bared his teeth and scowled, "What did you say b**ch?"


"I said f**k off. Are you deaf?"

Jaehwa what are you doing? Control your mouth! The logical part of her brain instructed, but her body seemed to have other plans. Her whole day was ruined because of some prick and she had sh*tload of anger pent up inside of her tiny frame and she wasn't going to let some random hobo walk all over her.

"You we*ch, you have some nerve talking back to me! You think I won't hit you because you are a girl?" The man took a step forward and grabbed her wrist. Her fight or flight suddenly was flipped on and fear slowly made itself known.

Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!

Anxiety tugged at her abdomen and she gulped down in nervousness. Oh my god, what do I do?

He began raising a beefy arm above his head probably to hit her. Jaehwa suddenly pointed at the far end of the road and cried, "Oh police!"

She was surprised that her tactic actually worked. The man quickly whirled around, looking for the police who was never there in the first place, loosening his grip in the process. Taking advantage of the moment of confusion, she freed her wrist from his grip and took off.

Run, run, run, run.

She ran off into the nearest alleyway she could find. Closing her eyes she put all her strength into her legs. She had once won a gold medal in a middle school running race. She never expected that skill to come in handy this way. Briefly, she looked back to find that man was still after her. Though she had a significant head start, it didn't seem like he was about to give up the chase. His heavy form was giving him a disadvantage at running and Jaehwa took that to her advantage and kept running, increasing the distance between them when all of a sudden she ran into something. "Oof!"

A manly cry that somehow felt eerily familiar rose from the object she had run into and she unceremoniously fell back on her butt onto the ground letting out a squeaky cry of her own.

"AAaaahhhhhhhhhh- Wait, Kim Seokjin?"

She paused when her eyes locked onto the tall form who looked back her surprise mirroring in his face. He narrowed his eyes, "Han Jaehwa?"

A distant squeaky cry of her pursuer let her know that he was nearing. This is not good. She looked back to Seokjin and back to her pursuer. Suddenly brilliant idea lit up in her intelligent mind and an evil grin tugged at her lips. Two birds, with one stone.

Before Jin could open his mouth to ask her what she was doing, she shot up from the floor and ran behind him, using his form to hide behind from her angry pursuer. "Wh-wha-"

Holding onto his shoulders, she peeked in from behind his back to look at the man who was chasing after her and quickly ducked behind her. His broad wide shoulders were actually doing quite the brilliant job of hiding her. Wait, what? Focus, Jaehwa focus!

Sticking out her palm from behind his back at the man who was hurtling towards her at full speed, she yelled out. "Hey, hey, hey, stop, stop!"

The man slowly paused as he neared her and Seokjin.

"You! D-do you know who he is?" She yelled, pointing at Seokjin who stood frozen in complete bewilderment, his eyes the size of saucers. "This guy right here is my... uh... my boyfriend! Yeah! You don't want to mess with him, he'll make you into red bean paste! He's a martial arts professional! He's- he's got a Karate black belt! He's world-famous! Uhh... "

Jaehwa paused. She had run out of ideas to keep spewing nonsense, but it didn't matter anyway. She had set the stage. She smirked.

Suddenly, Seokjin was pushed forward onto the bulky man. It all happened in slow motion as Jin went tumbling towards the man's chest as he lost his balance. What in the hell?!

Before he could fall into the arms of the random stranger, k-drama style, he stopped himself and regained his composure.

"Kim Seokjin!" Jaehwa jabbed a fist in the air towards his direction. "Show them what you've got! Fighting!"

The next thing he knew, she had vanished from the place with nothing but the faint sound of her footsteps receding into the distance.


A distant crow cawed from the treetops.

Seokjin's jaw hung open. What. Just. Happened?

It seemed that the stranger was wondering the same as he let out a confused grunt. Jin looked back to the stranger in front of him to whom he was apparently supposed to show what he had got. The stranger gave him a look.

"Um... hi?" He offered.

The stranger didn't seem happy. Ignoring the polite greeting from Jin, he set out towards the place to where Jaehwa had run off to, muttering under his breath, "This bi*ch keeps getting on my nerves, I'm going to kil-" A strong tug on the back of his collar stopped him. The stranger turned around with a growl to the guy who had dared touch him, "What the f*ck do you want?"

"Whoa, there sir. I don't think you should go after her." Seokjin smiled.

Han Jaehwa. You owe me. 


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