1 More than beautiful

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"Ayo Jieun-ie!"

Han Jaehwa called out as she not-so-gracefully stumbled out of the elevator with her hands held high up in the air in greeting to the receptionist on the 13th floor. 

Lee Jieun flashed a knowing smile as she looked up from her computer to the woman who staggered up to her from the elevator as if it was a common occurrence which it was. Jaehwa was always late. "Hello, hello Jae. Late again."

"Actually no." Jaehwa corrected, flipping a part of her messed-up hair over her shoulders. "I am exactly seven seconds early today." She held out her digital wristwatch proudly. Jieun shook her head. She couldn't believe that this crackhead was supposed to be the secretary of the oh-so-great Min Sahan, the heir number two of Holo. Memories of the said Director's regretful looks he made every time he caught Jaehwa acting so unprofessionally reminded her that Min Sahan couldn't believe it either.

"Anyway, I heard you got some news for me," Jaehwa said leaning up against the front desk tapping an impatient finger on its surface. "Spill."

Jieun leaned back into her chair folding her hands, "You want the good one first or the bad one?"

Jaehwa furrowed her brows at the question as she replied, "Bad news, obviously."

"The number of Sahans have dropped," Jieun informed wincing in advance for the outburst that was about to come.

"What?!" She yelled. "How is that possible? Min Yoongi hasn't done anything to cause a rise in his supporters. We have been doing so well! What happened?"

"Now, that's the good news. It's because Mr. Min Yoongi recently hired a new secretary." She informed her with a mischievous smile.

"Good news? How is that good news? And what's the big deal about getting a new secretary?"

"That's the catch," Jieun held up a finger, her mischievous grin spreading far and wide. "He's handsome."

"So? Mr.Min Sahan is handsome too and can't you see me? I am more than beautiful!" Jaehwa exclaimed cupping her face, batting her eyes at her best friend who made a grimace.

"No, no, you are not getting it." She shook her head dismissing Jaehwa's claim with a wave of her hand.

It was Jaehwa's turn to fold her hands, "Well then explain. Just how handsome is he?"

Jieun's eyes lit up with a foreign glow and Jaehwa momentarily wondered if she had voluntarily stepped on a minefield. Handsome men were Jieun's biggest weaknesses.

"Oh my god, he's hot. I mean like really hot. Like his jawline is so sharp that you can cut a..." She thought right. She had willingly stepped into a minefield. She cringed at the vivid descriptions that were pouring out of the latter's mouth as she passionately explained the details of his bodily structures. "And girl is he a full seven-course mea-"

"Stop, stop! That's enough. I get it." Jaehwa cried, not wanting to hear any more of that detailed analysis.

"No. You don't get it. You have to see him. I bet your loyalty for Sahan would fly out the window the moment you see him." Jieun declared.

"Absolutely not! My loyalty is much stronger than that!" She defended indignantly. Jieun shook her head once again. She wouldn't understand even if she tried. Let her experience it for herself. 

Jaehwa huffed out a sigh, "So that's it? They switched teams just because Yoongi got a new secretary?" Jieun nodded in affirmation.

"Then we don't have much to worry about. They'll come back once they get tired of the new guy," She smirked.

"After all no one would want to be on the losing team."

✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

"You'll have to accompany me to the dinner party this evening, Ms.Han."

Min Sahan stated not looking up from his computer screen as Jaehwa nodded her head.

"It's an important dinner, Ms.Han so please, please be on your best behavior. Try to be a little professional." Sahan pleaded, eyes still strained on his computer screen as he examined some official papers and documents.

"What do you mean, sir? I am the most professional secretary out there." Jaehwa proclaimed with a dramatic wave of her hand. Sahan looked up shooting her an unamused look as he adjusted his glasses. The questioning stare drilled into her. She looked down at her palms with a meek, "I'll try my best sir."

"Can I trust you?" He pressed. Jaehwa felt a little annoyed at the question. Of course, he could trust her, what kind of a question was that? But then she remembered the number of times she had 'accidentally' failed to keep her promise and hung her head down. He had every right to doubt her. It wasn't as if she didn't try. It was just that she could be a little impulsive sometimes but this time, it would be different. No more accidents.

Jaehwa stood at attention like a soldier and cried.

 "Absolutely sir!"

 "Absolutely sir!"

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