Get Together

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Hey hey

So yall will be there for the get together right


What get together

Us retreat buddies r getting together at cafe Moonprince @3
You better come Jaehwa


So its decided.
Wheres my guy park btw

What u want


Jaehwa walked to the Moonprince Cafe after three on a Sunday morning. 

It was where all the retreat buddies from the Lakeside retreat decided to get together. 

Jaehwa felt that she needed some sort of distraction from all the drama going on in her life. Maybe getting together with friends and letting go of it might help. She stopped near the glass display of some little corner store where she could vaguely see her reflection and observed herself. She looked alright. It should do.

Breathing in a resolute breath she walked into the cafe beside the corner store where they were supposedly meeting. The sounds of laughter and shouts rang from a corner just as she had entered the cafe. Ah, so everyone's here.

Hoseok cheerfully waved a hand from beside Jieun, motioning her to join them. She smiled at him and the group turned their heads her way. 

"Hello, guys!"

Her eyes fell on a lean figure sitting somewhere around the table and her breath hitched. Of course. How could she have forgotten? He was also there for the retreat. Jieun noticed her gaze and her eyes sparkled in some realization.

Jisung jumped up from his seat. "Ah, who's there? The girlfriend of the second heir?" He poked teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows. Seonghwa's head turned at the mention of it. "Where? Oh my god! A celebrity is here!"

They failed to notice the way her smile soured. 

Jisung went on with his teasing, going as far as to take a napkin and wipe Jaehwa's seat making dramatic gentlemanly gestures, making most of them laugh. Jieun, however, didn't laugh and Hoseok only smiled awkwardly at the youngster's childish displays. Jaehwa forced out a weak smile before she took her seat. It was just her luck that she got seated right across from him.

Kim Seokjin smiled briefly in greeting before his attention was transferred to Chaeyoung who was discussing something with him. Seonghwa clasped his hands together excitedly. "Now, don't think you're going to escape this Han Jaehwa-ssi because you can't. We want to know everything! How did it happen?"

Some of the others turned their heads eagerly awaiting the details of how Han Jaehwa ended up dating one of the heirs of the world-renowned company Holo. She fidgeted in her seat not quite looking up at her audience as she replied with a shrug, "It...just happened."

"Ah, don't be like that Jaehwa-ssi, tell us more. Who proposed to who?" Hannah, one of the younger females in the group, sparkled with interest and everyone nodded their heads, agreeing with her question. "Um, well... it was Sahan," Jaehwa replied softly.

"Sahan? Did you hear that? She called the Director, Sahan. Wow, they must be really close." Chaeyoung exclaimed from beside Seokjin and the whole group erupted in a series of exclamations. Jaehwa awkwardly laughed out trying to hide her uneasiness.

"How long has it been?" Chaeyoung pressed excitedly, pressing her palms against the table as she leaned forward. Everyone at the table now had their eyes focused on her. Jaehwa involuntarily shrank to herself from the attention. No one really saw her discomfort. She didn't want to talk about it. It wasn't exactly something she was proud of but she couldn't reveal that to them. Biting her lower lip uneasily, she replied. "About three weeks."

"Whoa..." Seonghwa made an 'o' with his mouth as his eyes glinted with interest. "Almost a month and we only found out the week before the last."

"So tell me Jaehwa-ssi," Chaeyoung inched forward in her seat with a smug grin, "Do you guys call each other nicknames?"

The guys of the group chuckled at her question, turning their attention back to Jaehwa. "Right." They drawled, obviously finding the situation quite entertaining, "Do you?"

Jaehwa only smiled awkwardly. "That means they do!" Hannah cried from the side, nudging her playfully. 

It was getting harder to maintain the smile on her face. Everyone at the table clapped and laughed, finding the situation humorous. Perhaps she was the only one who didn't find it quite as funny as they did. It was then that the one person who had been quiet the entire time watching Jaehwa from across the table decided to speak up. "Let me ask you something then."

At the deep falsetto voice of Kim Seokjin interrupting their conversation, they all fell silent, turning their attention to him. Jaehwa's smile didn't remain there anymore as her eyes focused on him. Seokjin smirked. It was something that appeared cold and distant. Leaning back against his chair, he folded his hands over his chest as he tilted his head. "How far have you guys gone?"

A loud chorus of oohs erupted from the table. The color drained from Jaehwa's cheeks. Softly she breathed out in disbelief, "W-what?"

Chaeyoung who was sitting beside Seokjin nudged him in the ribs with her elbows, "What was that Oppa? That's her personal life!" Seokjin's smiling eyes turned to face Chaeyoung. "So are you telling me that you're not curious about it?" Chaeyoung instantly shut up. 

Seokjin turned to the guys. "What about you guys? Aren't y'all curious about it?" The guys turned their heads around begrudgingly admitting that he was right. He waved his hands to the group, turning his attention back to Jaehwa.

"See? Everyone here is curious about your love life. So why don't you open up?"

Jaehwa's fingers clenched to a fist under the table and she gritted her teeth, her eyes turning cold but it didn't affect Seokjin. At her delayed response, he spoke up, "Everyone, let's cheer for her. Open up! Open up! Open up!" He clapped his hands together chanting the same phrase and slowly everyone in the group joined the chant, clapping their hands together at the beat he had set, following his lead. "Open up! Open up! Open up! Open-"

"That's enough!" Jaehwa shot up from her seat and the loud screech of her chair silenced the cafe. "I'm sorry. I'm leaving."

Throwing one last scathing look at Seokjin, Jaehwa whirled around and walked out of the cafe. 

Silence descended among the group. Everyone in the group exchanged anxious glances.

"Did we go too far? I think she's upset." Jisung finally broke the silence, eyeing the crowd with concern. His eyes swept over the group before it finally landed on the eldest who sat staring at the cafe entrance where Jaehwa had stormed out of off just a few seconds before. "Jin Hyung?" Jisung called.

Seokjin got up from his seat and left.


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