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The bell rings, and students start shuffling with their books and binders. I stay in my seat, my friend, Miller, asks," What are you doing? Let's go, man."

I hold my hands behind my head, sitting back in my seat. I look up," I'm hanging out for a sec, catch up with you later." I peer my eyes at the mysteriously goregous new girl, Clarke Griffin. Curly-haired blondes aren't usually my type, but this one seems like she could be fun. And I, Bellamy Blake, like to have a lot of fun.

He nods," Whatever." Miller leaves, shielding my view of new girl for a split second as he passes her to the door. Raven pats on my shoulder, whispering in my ear," Leave her alone, Bellamy." She halts next to me, waiting for Clarke.

I laugh, peering up at her glaring brown eyes. I sigh," Don't know if I can, she's a smoke." I raise my eyebrows, scanning Clarke again.

She rolls her eyes, squinting," I'm serious, lay off." Her tone of voice would scare me if she wasn't one of my close friends, and you should know what I mean by close.

" Whatever, Raven." I stand up, walking to the door. Clarke steps away from the teacher's desk, almost running into me.

Her face shows a shocked expression," Excuse me." She slides to the left, just as I slide to my right. She gives a slight laugh," Sorry."

" Bellamy." I say with a proud smile.

She looks down at her shoes, smiling shyly. She tucks a piece of curly hair behind her ear," I know."

" Let me show you around." I respond, stepping to the side, revealing the door for her.

Raven walks up to us, locking her arm with Clarke's. She scoffs," Show her around? Show her the janitor's closet? Bellamy. Buzz. Off."

Ahh, the janitor's closet, one of my favorite places in this entire school.

" Buzz off? What am I a bee?" I respond with a sarcastic tone and fake laugh.

Clarke watches us, sneaking glances at me.

Raven and Clarke step around me, lead by Raven. Raven responds," Yeah, a bee, going around stinging every girl's heart. But not this one." Raven shrugs and pulls Clarke down the hall.

" I'll catch you guys later!" I yell out.

My sister struts by, walking with some guy. I tug on his arm," Get away from her."

Octavia crosses her arms and groans," Gotta stop doing that, brother." She stops at her locker, while I lean up against the one next to hers.

" Who was that guy?" I ask, checking out the ladies walking by.

" None of your business." She spits, hurriedly walking away after slamming her locker in my face.

" What do you know about that new girl? The one with the curly hair." I add, trying to act casual.

" Clarke? She's nice, I don't really know her though."

" You should get to know her. Hang around with her." I suggest with a nod.

She laughs," Why because she's hot or something? Why don't you just be a good guy and take her to dinner."

I laugh," I don't do that kind of thing." I shrug, winking a cute passerby.

" You disappoint me, Bell." She says shaking her head and heading into class. I stand there and take a deep breath, watching O in class with her friends, laughing and smiling. I roll my eyes walking off to where ever I'm suppose to be right now.

*** A/N

Here's a little taste of high school Bellamy (-;

What do you guys think so far? & don't worry these chapters will be getting longer!

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