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I step around the counter in the kitchen, grabbing the pile of mail on the island.

Aunt Kim walks in," How's the foot? You gotta stop walking on it."

" It's fine, the stitches are fine, it doesn't hurt at all."

She smiles," I thought we'd get pizza tonight, go out maybe see a movie too? Make today a little easier?"

I shrug," I kinda just want to stay at home tonight."

" Okay, that's fine."

I rip open the envelope from the school of my dreams. It's a summer art program I applied to back before I moved here. It's a strict, 10 week program brought by the one and only Penelope Veil, my inspiring artist role-model. I'd be leaving in a matter of a couple days if I got in.

I read the words:

We're glad to inform you...

I start to cry, happy tears.

Kim smiles," What's up?"

" I got accepted." I hand her the letter, holding my hand over my mouth.

" You leave this weekend, you realize that right?"

I nod," Yeah."

She smiles," This is good for you, Clarke."

I nod," I'll go get ready. The wake is at 5, right?"

She nods, frowning," I laid a dress for you on your bed."

" Thanks."

" Bellamy should be there, are you ready to talk to him? I know you've been hiding from him."

I sigh," Am I allowed to talk to him now?"

She breathes," You love him. Stop beating yourself up."

I shake my head," Well, it's too late. I'm leaving in a couple days."

" You'll regret it if you don't tell him how you really feel."

" Okay, just last week or so you wouldn't let him see me."

She nods," I know, I thought I was protecting you. But he does the protecting."

I sigh," Tell him how I feel..."

She nods," Just lay it all out."

" Like what, tell him I miss him and that I'm crazy in love with him, and I need him more than I need air or water? But I still can't do anything about it because I'm leaving?"

" That's exactly what you say, but what about leaving?" Octavia walks in, a smile on her face. She wears a black bow in her long hair, and a cute black, summer dress.

I smile," I got into an art program over the summer."

Octavia's smile brightens and she holds out her arms," That's awesome!"

I hug her, pulling away," I leave this weekend."

She frowns," Wow, that's sudden."

" I don't know what to do about it."

She sighs," We'll talk about it once you're dressed and ready for Willa, okay? Tonight is for her."

I smile, and nod," My dress is upstairs."

Kim smiles lightly," We leave in half an hour."

While Octavia helps curl my hair, she smiles," So, are you nervous about seeing Bellamy?"

" Of course I am."

" Don't tell me you're going to avoid him."

I roll my eyes," I'll talk to him."

" You have to forgive him, it isn't his fault."

I start to stand up, but the curling iron presses into my head," Hey!"

She stifles a laugh," Sorry."

" I'm scared, O."

" Dean is locked away, for a very long time-"

"-I'm not afraid of Dean. I'm afraid of Bellamy."

" That's crazy! Why?"

I feel tears under my eyes," Because, I've never been happier than when I was with him."

" Okay..."

" He's always there for me, literally always, after cheer practice he takes my bag, he comes over and wipes my tears when I'm down, and..." I close my eyes," I'm afraid that fate will take over and ruin whatever chance we have."

" Clarke, you can't fear the future everytime you wake up. You have to move on and live."

" I don't want to move on!"

" You know what I mean, Clarke."

" About this art program, do I stay? Do I go?"

She sighs," Well I don't want you to go. But, I think it'll be good for you to go. Get away, take a break from the world."

" Take a break from Bellamy?"

She sighs," Take a break from the overwhelming love with my brother."

I laugh, rolling my eyes," Shut up and work your magic."

" Hey, don't make me burn you again!"

*** A/N

Second last chapter but have no fear, I'm considering a sequel! But obviously if I do a sequel, I'll want some time to pass, do you guys want an after graduation (for all) or longer?

I'm off to school tomorrow, so afterwards I'll post the final chapter, then start writing book two all week and over the weekend, and hopefully y'all won't have to wait forever for another story, because you're all amazing and the nicest/funniest commenters ever XOXO

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