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Y'all are going to hate me by the end, so for now, I looovvveee yyyooouuu!!!


I step out of the dressing room, over and over, getting nods, thumbs down, smiles, and a few winks from Finn.

I finally try on a simple, tight black dress, and walk out of the dressing room. Finn and Octavia are talking, not paying attention. I cough," Ahem..."

They look over, both of their jaws dropping to the floor. I laugh, crossing my arms," Soo..."

Finn nods," This one, definitely. I feel like I should pay you to be my date."

I glare at him," Does that mean I look like a stripper?"

Octavia shakes her head," No, you look hot, Clarke!"

I laugh," Okay, I'm picking this one."

" My brother doesn't know what he's missing." Octavia beams.

Finn whines," Now, how about that pizza?" Octavia and I laugh, rolling our eyes.

Showing up to the banquet, I hold on tight to Finn's arm, feeling nervous to see Bellamy, and terrified I'm going to fall down in these stripper heels.

Then I see him.

He's laughing with the people at his table, his hand on Raven's chair, and her hand on his lap. He sees me. His lips part and his eyes flutter. I look away, smiling to Finn.

He whispers into my ear," You look amazing, Clarke."

I touch my stomach," Thanks." I take a deep breath.

" We're table 5." His hand holds the small of my back and we walk forward. I don't trip and elegantly make my way to our table, Bellamy's eyes on me the entire time. I say a few hello's to some of the cheer team on the way. My table is close to Bellamy's, he has a clear pathway to stare at me all night.

Octavia sits down across from me with Lincoln, she says," Clarke, did I mention how amazing you look?"

I laugh," I think you did. Thanks."

She laughs," Lincoln, you remember Clarke, right? And this is Finn, her date for the evening."

We sit and chit chat while everyone still files in and shows up.

Around 5ish, everyone stands up and walks around, talking and laughing. I stay with Finn for most of the night till he gets called off away and I stand there alone. I walk to the windows, peering outside at the raining sky.

" Can we talk?" I hear next to me, Bellamy standing there looking away.

" I'm not talking to you." I say, walking off.

He tugs on my hand," Clarke, please."

" Stay away from me." I pull my hand away and rush off, running into Finn.

He holds my arms, looking at me concerned," Are you okay?"

" I'm going to get out of here. I can't do this."

" Do you want me to come with you?"

" No, I want to go alone. Thanks."

He nods," Call me if you need anything."

" Okay." I hug him, then walk off to the table, to grab my jacket and purse.

Octavia asks," Where are you going, Clarke?"

I shrug," This was a bad idea."

" Do you need a ride?"

" No, it's fine, I'll get a cab."

" No, Clarke, let me take you home-"

"-Octavia!" I scream. She looks at me with a surprised look, but she nods and I walk off. I glance at Bellamy before heading out, his eyes focused on me.

I make it outside, wrapping my jacket around my arms and letting the water, run down my body. I take off my heels, carrying them as I walk through the grass.

After a minute of walking, a car pulls up to me, and Bellamy gets out," Clarke, what are you doing?"

" None of your business."

" Clarke, are you okay?"

I stop and look at him," You lost the ability to ask that question when you asked Raven to be your date."

He sighs," Clarke, stop walking away."

" No."

He frantically gets into his car and slowly drives next to me. " Get into the car."

" Go back to the banquet, Bellamy."

" Clarke, get into the car, you're going to get phenomia, or something!"

" Good! Then I'll be able to feel something real!"

" What we had was real, I was scared!"

" Don't you dare say that you ever had real feelings for me, when she was in the back of your mind the whole fucking time. Unlike you, I meant everything I said."

" Don't give up on me, Clarke, I want to work this out! I want to make this work!"

" You're so full of shit, Bellamy, you can't just use everyone."

" Get into the car."

" No."

" I know you hate me, but I won't let you get sick."

" I don't hate you." I promised. " I swear I don't," I sighed, looking at him and stopped in my tracks," It just hurts too much to be around you right now."

" Just give me one more chance to make it right." He begs.

" You can't." I cry, my voice cracking and a lump forming in my throat.

" Clarke. I love you."

" I'd slap you right now but I don't want asshole on my hand." I walked off and sped up my pace this time. I passed a street, not looking both ways, and then it hit me. I collided with another car with no lights on, and I instantly felt myself jolt into the air, falling hard onto the pavement, and my eyes slowly closing. My back ached, and pain soared all through my body, the worst in my leg. The car sped away, and all I heard last was Bellamy's cracked screams and his footsteps running towards me.

*** A/N

Well.............#bellarke!!!! (JK)

Always look both ways before you cross the street, unless there's a Bellamy Blake around to hold you in case a car is actually coming....

I'll try to post more updates before I go to Chicago in two days!!! Don't be upset when I can't post, I'm on vacation. Okay? Okay.


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