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Sitting in the bleachers, practically all alone, unless you count the random strangers around me; I'm by myself.
Our Mountain Weather Warriors are winning by a good 27 points, and the cheerleaders are doing great. Raven looks like she's enjoying herself and so does Octavia Blake, the cheerleader I met on my first day here.

A basket is scored, which I wasn't paying attention to, so I absentmindedly start clapping.

A male's voice next to me whispers," You're clapping for the wrong team."

I turn seeing Finn, and when I realize that I'm cheering for the Bulldogs, I slowly stop, placing my hands in my lap. I laugh," Thanks."

" Yeah, no problem."

" Haven't seen you around much, where you been?"

He shrugs," I don't know. I've been around."

I slowly nod," Okay..."

" You look confused, do you know anything about basketball?"

I shrug," I can guess what's going on. You going to that party later?"

" Nah, probably not. Not my scene."

I nod.

" Raven tells me you're thinking about joining cheerleading." He says, stifling a laugh.

" Don't laugh; my mom was a cheerleader."

" Ohh." He responds, now understanding.

" You and Raven talk a lot?"

" Yeah, she's living with me right now actually. Her mom is in and out most of the time." He says with a sweet smile. He totally likes her. His face lights up everytime he hears her name.

" Oh. OOOh." I say with a smile.

He drops his head," It's not like that."

" Mhm, yeah, I get it, it's complicated. Always is, isn't it?"

He nods," Yeah, exactly."

" I won't tell her. Okay?"

He smiles," Thanks." We both look to Raven, cheering and smiling.


Raven takes my hand, leading me into the party house, already shaking her hips to the music. I'm totally out of my comfort zone, but really excited to attend a party.

She yells over the music," I'm going to go get a drink, want one?"

" I'll pass for now, maybe later." I smile, letting her hand drop as she walks away. I look around, suddenly remembering she's the only one I know here.

After ten minutes of mindlessly wandering around and looking for Raven, I run into a familiar figure. The one and only, Bellamy Blake.

" Plan on returning my jacket anytime soon?"

" Forget it." I respond, wandering off, knowing he'll follow.

He laughs," Want a drink, princess?"

I nod," Yeah, I could use one now."

" Okay, kitchen is over there, bring me one too?"

I snarl at him," You're joking."

" Yes, actually I am, come on." I wait for him to take my hand and lead the way, but he just walks off.

A drink or two later, I'm sitting on top of the counter, and he's sitting on the floor, against the island, staring up at me.

" So, Clarke tell me more."

" About what?" I ask, waving my arms, waiting for something completely annoying to fall from his lips.

He laughs," About you."

I cough," There's nothing special."

" No, I'm nothing special, you're something else." He says with a sly smile.

I look straight ahead, resting my head on the cupboard behind me," Bellamy, look at yourself as a color. You may not be everybody's favorite color, but believe me, one day you will meet someone who needs you to complete their picture."

He sighs," You got me feeling some type of way, Griffin."

" I lost the nickname, huh?"

He shrugs in response.

I hop off from the counter," I'm going to go find Raven. It's time to go home."

" She's probably trashed."

" So are you, do you have a ride home?"

" Don't worry about it."

" Do you know Finn?"

He laughs," Finn. Finn! What about him?"

" Oh, please, you have shit with everyone don't you?"

" I'm not everyone's favorite color, Clarke."

" Yeah, okay, see you later."

" Spoken like a true artist. Comparing yourself to a color."

I spin around," How did you know that?"

" I see you. Painting, thinking, drawing in your own little bubble."

I swift my hand through my hair, laughing. I take slow steps away, walking backwards. I wave, wandering off for Raven, and dialing for Finn for a ride. Maybe parties aren't my thing either.

*** A/N

(Probably not edited again, lol sorry about that)

Hope y'all are enjoying the characters & their changes because they're all a little different since they're high schoolers (-;


XOXO -love u guys

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