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I turn my lock to 32, then 2, then to 13, and open it. I replace my binder with a green folder, slamming the locker shut. Bellamy, leaning on the neighboring locker, startles me.

" Hi?" I say, standing there surprised.

He smiles," How's your day going?"

" Well rumours of you and I are travelling around, and I failed my accounting test."

He sighs," About that rumour..."

" I didn't start that, I swear. We were on the bleachers outside, kids in class saw and those bleachers hold more gossip than any celebrity magazine you'll ever read."

I laugh," It's fine. I know you didn't start it."

" Really?"

" Yeah." I say, cracking a small smile.

" You seem happy today." He says, his smile growing.

I nod," I'm better. You know what I'm craving?"

" What?"

" A hot chocolate." I say with a smirk.

He sighs, upset," I can't skip this class, I'll never pass if I don't pay extra attention."

" Math? I could totally tutor you later."

He squints," Wait, hold up, are you trying to ask me out or something?"

" No...not at all, don't flatter yoursef, I'm trying this new thing where I don't push people away." Advice given to me from my aunt when I told her about Bellamy.

He slowly nods," I'll make it easier on you, and I won't leave. Except I have to get to class right now, so this doesn't count."

I laugh," Okay, I'll see you later then."

He nods," Yeah, I'll call you."

" Okay." I say, biting my lip and smiling as he walks off.


Later that night, I try on different shirts and jeans, trying to dress casually but still look cute while I hangout with Bellamy. We're meeting up at the waterfront, to study at the tables and grab something to eat in a more peaceful environment than the library.

I grab my books and head downstairs.
My aunt smiles," You look nice."

I do a spin," I'm going out." I smile.

" Well have fun, take the car." She says, tossing her keys.

" Okay, thanks." I catch the keys, heading out.

I walk up to him, seeing Bellamy leaning against the railing to the water. I can't help but feel a little happy. Maybe this'll work.

But maybe I'm being naive.

Maybe I should just turn around and pretend I was never here.

Before I can run away, he turns, meeting my eyes. He smiles, and places his hands in his pockets.

" Why do you always do that?" I say with a laugh. He stays next to me as we walk down the waterfront. I point at his hands and his pockets.

He shrugs," You make me nervous."

I nudge him with my elbow," Bellamy, stooop." I blush, he's flirting way too early.

He laughs," Let me be honest, I really don't want to study."

" Me neither." I say, honestly agreeing.

" Tell me something."

" Yeah?"

" What's something you've never told anyone?"

I gasp," Ohh, heavy question."

He shrugs," Secret is safe with me."

" Okay...let me think...I got one."

" Cool, shoot." He waits with an eager expression.

" Back in sophomore year...I totally cheated on a test."

He laughs," Wow, come on."

" No seriously, I never told anyone, and I still feel guilty about it."

He laughs," I got a better one."

" Okay, you shoot."

" Last summer, I took a joy ride in a car from a dealership, and I pretended it was mine while driving around the town. I got four girls' numbers."

I roll my eyes," I'm not impressed."

" I still feel guilty about it." He jokes.

I slap his arm again.

He scoffs," Why are you always hitting me?" He still laughs, but stops and stares at me.

I stop next to him, smiling," Because you drive me insane." His smile fades as he steps forward. I start to breath heavier, this moment getting more tense as we look into each other's eyes. " Because you make me laugh, even when I don't want to...because..." I talk to try to stop this kiss from happening, but I'd be lying if I said we both didn't want this to happen.

" Bellamy?!" We hear from a familiar guy's voice. Bellamy turns, and we look at the guy. His friends, Miller and Murphy stand there looking at us.

Bellamy steps away, coughing," Uh, hey guys."

Murphy asks," What's this?" He's almost laughing, pointing at us. I look at Bellamy, waiting for his genius answer.

Bellamy takes another step back, scratching his head," Uh, Clarke and I just ran into each other. Where you guys going?"

Miller answers," To play hockey, you want to come?"

Bellamy slowly nods," Yeah, meet you at the rink."

The two guys walk away, sneaking glances at us from behind their backs.

I laugh, looking at my feet, kicking a rock. I roll my eyes, starting to walk off.

" Clarke, I just had to say that-"

"-You don't owe me any explanation, I get it. You're just proving what I already know." I flare my arms, continuing to the parking lot.

I'm such an idiot.

*** A/N

I have to go edit two commercials for a studio project in my media productions class, so I apologize for another short chapter

Expect TWO chapters tomorrow, because it's Friday, and I owe you guys some long & happy updates (-:
(Yes happy chapters do exist in this story, lol)


Comment some predictions below if you want! (Y'all inspire me a little)

P.S. The finale part 2, for The 100, was AMAZING & Bellarke shared a cheek kiss (-;

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