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I walk down the hall, seeing a flash, and a camera snap. I stop, looking around. Dean peers out from a photography classroom with a nice camera in his hand.

" Hey, goregous." Dean smiles.

I cross my arms," What are you doing?"

He whispers," Messing around."

I nod," I'm sure you are. But you're not really allowed to do that around here."

" My tour guide never disclosed that information with me."

" She's pretty awful then."

" Yeah, tell me about it." He disappears into the classroom, and my curiosity makes me follow him.

He flashes another picture while I step into the room. I hold up my hand," Oh come on."

" How else do you remember someone if you don't take pictures of them?"

I laugh, covering my face.

" Your boyfriend ever take pictures of you?"

I glance around the room, looking at Dean, who's lips form a big smile. I shake my head," Nevermind what he does."

" Or doesn't." He adds.

" I'm going to leave now. I have practice."

" And she does sports, wow. You must sweep him off his feet."

" If you consider cheerleading a sport."

He laughs, hysterically.

" Shut up."

" If you weren't so cute when you're mad, I'd say being a cheerleading made you less attractive."

" You seriously need to stop flirting with me."

" Yeah, you seriously do." I hear in Bellamy's stern voice.

I spin around, Bellamy leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and a scowl on his face. " Bellamy."

He holds out his hand," Let's go."

I walk up to him, taking his hand. Dean yells for me, and I hear a smash. I stop in the hallway, looking back at the room.

Bellamy groans," Clarke."

" Stop being so jealous." I say, dropping his hand, crossing my arms and walking passed him.

" Are you really mad at me right now?"

" I was just talking to him, nothing was going on."

" Not yet." He claims.

I turn around," If you still don't trust me, then what are we doing?"

He stops walking, looking at the tile floor. He sighs," Clarke, come here."

I hesitate for a moment before walking up to him and taking his hand. He pulls me into him, holding one hand on the back of my head.

I pull away," How come you never take pictures of me?"

" What?" He asks.

" What if I don't wake up tomorrow? How would you remember me?"

He starts to answer, but just nervously laughs," I don't know."

" I have to get to practice. We have a competition coming up." I kiss his cheek, walking down the hallway.

After practice, I walk out of the gym with my bag and Willa. We're laughing about a tumble I took in practice, it was hysterical.

Willa whispers," Look at the vending machines."

I turn around, seeing an innocent Bellamy leaning on the nearest machine.

Willa pats my arm," I'll call you later."

" Yeah, I'll see you."

I walk up to Bellamy," Hi."

He takes my bag," You want to go for a ride?"

" Yeah, I'm hungry actually."

He nods," We can go to my place, maybe get some a movie..."

I smile," Yeah, that sounds great."

" I have something to show you, too."

" Oh? Like what?" I say, perking up as we walk to the doors.

He kisses my lips," It's a surprise."

" You're such a tease." I laugh, stepping outside.

He laughs," Am I, am I really?"

I nod," You are."

He smirks, pushing me up against the brick school. It's rough, but his one arm looped around me softens the surface. His lips brush against mine and we kiss a little bit before feeling droplets of water. We pull away, looking up into the sky, a heavy rain replacing the tiny here-and-there drops.

We laugh, taking each other's hand and racing to the car.

Reaching his place, we get dried up, make popcorn, set up the living room and settle down for a movie. While the opening credits roll, Bellamy hands me a small scrapbook.
I look up at him with a confused eye," What is this?"

" You asked me why I never took pictures of you."

" Okay..."

" Open it up."

I slowly pull away the cover. The first image on the right, I'm sitting in class, Raven whispering in my ear. This was my first day of Mount Weather High.

I laugh," You took a picture of me in class?"

He smiles," Keep going." The next picture, I'm in the paint aisle, deciding on different reds and oranges. " I like the pictures of you, where you're just plain beautiful."

I cover my face," This is...amazing. No one has ever done something like this for me before."

He kisses my cheek," Well, good."

" I've got my very own stalker."

He closes his eyes," I admit it was creepy at first, but the more I got to know you, the more I knew, we're going to show our kids these pictures one day. And I would tell them, that this classroom picture was moments after I fell in love at first glance with you."

I kiss him long and passionately. I pull away," Kids?"

He sighs," Yeah, I mean one day, right?"

I laugh," Boy or girl?"

" I imagine both."

" I have a few names picked out already, if I'm being honest."

He laughs," If we're being honest, I might too."

We lay and talk about our future, letting the movie play on, it being just a buzz in the background of laughter and planning.

*** A/N

Probably one of the first happy chapters ever in this story??? Just joking

Predictions on this Dean anyone?

I hope no one is upset with me bringing in non-show/books characters. I kinda wanted them for a huge plot coming up (erasable characters, if you know what I mean) *wink wink*

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