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I strolled up the sidewalk, up the porch and stood frozen solid at the front door. I hesitated to ring the doorbell, or do I knock? Should I just grab some rocks and hope she's still awake?
Fuck, Bellamy, just press the doorbell.
I pressed it.

God, why am I being like this?
Because it's something the old Bellamy would do and you know it.

The door slowly opened, and Raven's lips grew into a smile. Clarke will never forgive you.

I stepped inside, and Raven greeted," Hi."

" Hi." I said, smiling at her.

" What are you doing here? Isn't your girlfriend going to be upset?" She crossed her arms and her smiled fades.

" She's not...she's not my girlfriend."
And she never will be if you do this.

Raven nodded," Right, okay."

" Do you have a date for the banquet on Friday?"

She glares at me," What?"

" I want to take you."

" What about Clarke? Did you two break-up? If you're using me as a rebound-"

" Clarke and I were never like you and I were." Because you're better.

Raven uncrosses her arms, stepping forward," As glad as I am to hear you say this...I don't believe it."

" Let me prove it to you, be my girlfriend."

Her jaw drops," Bellamy."

" We never gave us a shot. I want this to work and I want to see where this goes. I was never over you, Raven." Lies. You're just needy and tired of the chase with Clarke.

I pulled Raven close, and pressed my lips to hers. Raven moans," I need you."

*** A/N ***

Quick little post on this great morning, ugh, I don't like Tuesdays. (It's 12AM here)

If anyone was confused, the bold is Bellamy's thoughts and consience, because he's changed and inlove and refusing to admit it. That's why he's with Raven now...ewww...
Hopefully this will fix itself soon!

Can we get this story to 6K reads before the next update? Hmm maybe I'll make ya work for it (-;
I'm not that evil, see you later!

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