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I sit on the stool, my back straight and my arms awkwardly in my lap. My Aunt Kim curls my hair while we stay in silence.

" What's upsetting you, dear?" She asks.

" Nothing." I say, almost shaking my head.

" I know you well enough to know you're not. Tell me what's up? You're always so quiet but you're just sad today." She frowns at me.

I laugh, trying to hold in tears.

" You miss your parents." She says.

" No, I mean, yes, of course I do, but it's not that."

" What's on your mind, Clarke?" She asks, standing across from me against the bathroom counter.

I cry," I'm terribly in love and it's slowly eating me inside out."

She frowns," Really?"

I nod," I pushed him away, to protect myself. And, now I'm afraid he won't ever come back."



I sit at the kitchen table, leaning my head on my left hand while I try to write endless notes to Clarke, to leave on her door step.
I can't find the write words.

Octavia walks into the room, smiling," I thought you had plans today?"

" No."

" What happened?" She asks, taking some water out of the fridge.

" Clarke and I sort of broke up, I don't know."

She sits across from me," What did you do?"

" I was trying to be a good guy, I was trying to be good for her."

" You know, I feel bad for you."

" Why?"

" Because she overlooked your flaws, your temper, your selfishness, your inability to love anyone but yourself. She knew who you were before she even talked to you for the first time and yet, she still came back to you. You weren't even ever together, or even a thing for a long time but I thought for once, you had something going for you." She takes a sip of her water and walks away with a shrug.

" Octavia." I call out. She spins around, gazing at me. I ask," How do I fix this?"

She smiles," You might want to check the mail."

*** A/N

Short second update & a bit of a cliffhanger (-;


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