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After a long night of fooling around dancing, and perfect slow dances, Clarke and I head back to my house. We lay in my bed, her head on my chest while I run my fingers through her messy curly hair. She wears my white button down shirt, looking absolutely stunning in that as well.

She sighs," Today was amazing."

I laugh," Are you happy right now?"

She looks up at me," Yes."

" That's all I want. I want you happy Clarke."

She kisses me," You make me happy, Bellamy. You're a keeper, and I'm keeping ya."

" The new Bellamy makes you happy."

" Every part of you makes me happy, Bell." She says, sitting up.

" I've changed a lot since you came into my life."

" You don't have to make yourself better for me, I would never ask that of you because that would be selfish of me. If I want you, I want you the way I met you. That means I've fallen for the you, you were yesterday, the you, you are today, and the you, you'll be tomorrow. If I'm keeping you, I'm keeping all of you. Nothing half-ass. All of your mistakes, problems, past, present, highs, lows, and more or less everything else."

I lean forward, kissing her lips. I ask," Did we just become official?"

She laughs, rolling her eyes and laying back down. She sits up," I need to use the bathroom."

I scoff," You just killed the mood."

She laughs," I know, I'm sorry."

She stands up, and I point," Down the hall to the left."

Clarke nods, leaving the room.


I walk down the hall, heading into the bathroom. Coming out, I run into Octavia.

She laughs at my outfit," Nice."

I shrug," Oh, hush."

" Glad you two worked it out. You actually are pretty cute together."

I laugh," Thanks...if you don't mind, please don't tell anyone but us yet, we're keeping it simple right now."

" How come?"

" Because, too many rumours fly around and I just don't want any of that."

She nods," I won't tell a soul. You got my word."

" Thanks."

" Yeah, no problem. Well, I won't keep you."

I smile," See you."

I walk into Bellamy's room, shutting the door and jumping onto the bed next to him.

He asks me," Stay the night, I sleep better when you're here with me."

" Really?"

He nods," Believe it or not."

I smile," Maybe another night, I can't stay."

He frowns," You're leaving me?"

I kiss him a couple times," Yeah, I am. But you want to know the best part?"

" What?"

" I'll come back."

He pulls me close," I feel so used."

I laugh," Oh stop."

" Lunch tomorrow? What do you say?"

" Hmm. What are you thinking?"

" How about we go to that new soup place, and go ice skating?"

" Is Bellamy Blake asking me on a date to go ice skating?" I laugh.

He twirls with my fingers," Yeah."

" Okay." I say, with a smiling nod.

" Okay." He smiles.

A week later-

I walk up to the lunch counter, paying for my sandwich and walking through the cafeteria. I head outside, seeing Bellamy, Octavia and another guy.
I wrap my arms around Bellamy's neck, kissing his cheek and sliding my foot over the bench and underneath the table. He smiles," Hey."

" Hi."

Octavia smiles," Clarke, I'd like you to meet Lincoln."

I hold out my hand, shaking his," Hi, nice to meet you."

" You too." He smiles.

Octavia wraps her arm with his," Lincoln is that gym trainer I told you about." She winks at me and I laugh.

I nod," She's told me a lot about you. All good things."

He laughs," Good."

Octavia rises," Alright, I'm going to walk him to his car, I'll see you later."

" Bye, it was nice meeting you!" Octavia and Lincoln walk off towards the parking lot.

Bellamy shakes his head," He's sketchy."

" He's sketchy? Oh come on, Bellamy, he seems really nice and look at Octavia, she's happy."

He shrugs," He's a college guy."

I laugh," Yeah, and next year you will be too, and I'll still be a highschooler."

He looks at me," You're on his side?"

" His side? Bellamy, you're being ridiculous. Here, have half my sandwich."

He takes it from me and I kiss his cheek again. He sighs," As my girlfriend, aren't you suppose to have my back?"

" Un-official girlfriend, don't forget."

He rolls his eyes," Now you're being ridiculous."

" I'm being complicated, I know, but you deal with it anyways."

" You're lucky you're cute."

I smile," Yes I am. Hey, Kim invited you and your mom, and Octavia of course, to dinner tonight."

He looks at me," Oh boy."

I laugh," Oh boy, what?"

" That sounds pretty serious, and we're not even dating yet." He says sarcastically.

I smack his arm," Just tell me you'll come."

He nods," You know I wouldn't rather be anywhere else."

I kiss his cheek," Great. Okay, I have to go make up a test, I'll see you later." I stand up, ready to walk away.

He tugs on my arm," Wait, I'll walk you."

I blush," So sweet."

*** A/N

Lovey dovey couples make me uncomfortable, honeymoon stage *pukes*

Just kidding, these two are so adorable, I love writing happy Clarke and a good Bellamy


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