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" She's not pregnant, and I lost Clarke forever." I tell Octavia, finishing my story.

She rolls her eyes," You can't do anything right."

" I know."

" She loves you, and you love her, she'll find her way back."

I close my eyes," I hope so."

" You're ruining any chance if you both avoid each other!" She says, smacking my shoulder.

I slam my locker," I can't. Okay? It's better this way."

She sighs," You know it's not, don't say that. Clarke is actually one of my closest friends now, and if you're too blind to see it, she's hurting. I don't know if it's because she's without you, but she's without something."


I sit at the kitchen table, eating cereal and checking my phone. It's only been a couple days, but I still secretly hope Bellamy will call. I wouldn't answer, but I want to hear his voicemail. I want to know he misses me.

Kim walks in, laughing and talking on the phone. I turn and look at her, her smiling fading," I'll call you later, okay, yeah, bye."

I smile," Morning."

" How are ya, kiddo?" She says, in a perky happy tone.

" I feel like shit."

She frowns," He hasn't called?"

" Nope. Nor texted, nor approached me at school."

" Don't be so needy, Clarke."

" From going everyday to talking to someone, to never talking to them ever again, I'm pretty devastated."

" Well you could always break your leg again and then ask him to come over and watch you."

I give her a glare," Not happening."

" Yeah, I didn't think so either."

I sigh," So, who were you talking to on the phone? You looked pretty giddy."

She blushes," Just some worker guy, that guy who was fixing our broken couch."

" But wasn't he also your date to the wedding?"

She blushes," That was nothing."

I smile at her smile," Mhm, so how long has this been going on?"

" Uhh, for awhile, actually."

" Why didn't you tell me?"

" Because, I don't want you to be weirded you out, or I don't know?"

I laugh," You're an adult, it's okay."

" Maybe I should invite him over for dinner some time."

" Are things serious? I mean, I've had the house to myself a lot lately, is that where you are?"

She covers her face," Oh god. You're smarter than I thought you were."

I laugh," Okay, uh, I have to go get ready, I'm going to go out."

" Okay." She says, looking through the pantry.

I head upstairs, turning the shower on and undressing. I step into the hot water, letting it consume me.

Kneeling at my mother's grave, I just break down. My bestfriend.

A voice startles me," Mind if I join you?"

I look up, seeing Bellamy with his hands in his pockets. I stand up and stare into his mysterious brown eyes.

He looks at me, he's breathing heavily and nervously. I break down and start crying," What are you doing here?"

He shrugs," Hopefully not making a fool of myself."

" Heard that one before."

" Octavia told me you were hurting, and told me I was too blind to see it-"

"-Bellamy." I say shaking my head.

He shakes his," She was right. I wasn't seeing you hurt, because I was too blind by my hurt." I look down, taking a breath. He slowly rubs his fingers under my chin. " I can't be without you, Clarke."

" I can be without you." I say, looking at him. He frowns. " But I don't want to." He holds out his hand and I take it, I give a light smile," You make it better, you make everything better."

He pulls me into him, and holds his one hand in my hair. He kisses my head," I missed you a lot. I was going crazy without you."

" What about Raven? And the baby?" I ask, pulling away, ruining a perfect moment.

" Clarke, don't you realize I want you more than anyone?"

" Is Raven really pregnant?" I say, still pressing the question.

" False alarm." He breathes," I should've told you, okay, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-"

I pull on his head, kissing him. " I told you I loved you, and I meant it. Forget anything happened."

" I love you." Bellamy says happily. He kisses me again, pulling me closer. " You deserve someone better than me." He shakes his head, looking away from me.

" That's not true at all." I admit, forcing his face to look at me again; running my thumb across his cheek.

He rolls his eyes," Clarke-"

I hold his lips," Hush. I love you. Don't you realize I want you more than anyone?"

He smiles," This is why I'm crazy about you."

" Good, you should be." I say, fixing his shirt collar.

" Marry me." He blurts out.

*** A/N

Bet ya didn't see that coming! And next post will be up tomorrow! XOXO

Don't you just love cliffhangers?

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