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I step away from Bellamy, as he tries to touch my arm. He says gently," Clarke, what are you doing here?"

" I don't know." I say, taking another step away.

He drops his head," It's not what you think-"

"-It doesn't matter. We're not dating, you're not my boyfriend, I'm not your girlfriend. Do whatever you want. Do whoever you want." I turn and make my way down the lawn.

He follows, grabbing my arm to spin me around," Clarke, don't be upset, I don't know what just happened."

" Ow, Bellamy you're hurting my arm."

He looks like he's about to start bawling any second. He drops his hand, and looks at me with so much guilt, I can't stand it.

I shake my head," I'm not mad."

He gives a laugh," You're not mad, but you're walking away."

" Because I'm hurt. Bellamy. There's a difference."

" Clarke, I'm-"

"-Don't." I respond, sternly.

I cross my arms again, holding my cardigan together, and leaving for good now. I cross the street, glancing back at Bellamy standing there with his hands on his face and then I catch him punching the air.


After a long night of endless gossip, melted ice cream, and crusty pizza, I finally get home.

I change into some sweats, pull my hair into a bun, and play some music from my ipod. I lay back on my bed, hearing a weird tapping noise. It's coming from my window.

I get up, peeking out my window. Bellamy stands at ground, swinging rocks at my window. I slowly open my window.

" Clarke, answer my phone calls!"

" I blocked you!" I yell.

" And you're not mad?"

I chuckle, leaving the window to grab my phone. I can't help but want to hear what he has to say.

I unblock him, getting his phone call. I answer," Hello?"

He smiles up at me," Clarke."

" Bellamy."

" Clarke." He says again.

" Bellamy..."

" I'm sorry."

" I told you-"

"-I know we weren't official, and I wasn't yours, but you were mine."

I laugh.

" I messed up. Big time."

" Yeah, yeah, I'd agree with that."

He drops his head," I know, I know."

" This isn't going anywhere."

He looks up at me," What isn't...?"

" Us, Bellamy."

" Clarke, don't say that; don't give up on me."

" I'm not giving up on you."

" You're giving up on this."

" I have a lot going on right now, more than you know, and I can't do this back and forth thing."

" I don't want to do the back and forth stuff either, I want you, Clarke."

I shake my head," I can't do it."

" What can I say to make it up to you?"

" There isn't anything to say."

" Wait." He says, holding up his hand.

" Bellamy! I can't do this to myself, okay? I can't."

" I know I'm not an expert at relationships. I know I'm hard to love, sometimes I get angry about stupid things and I know there will be days where you'll hate me. I will never be a perfect person. We're both still young, and we both still have a lot to learn. But I'm willing to take chances, to risk it all, and learn everything there is to know just so I can keep us together. I won't give up on you, I know it's not easy but I'll always come back to you."

" How do I know this time is different?"

" You trust me. Clarke." He says, giving me a smile.

" We'll talk tomorrow."

" How do I know you're not trying to get rid of me?" He says with a smirk.

" Because, I'm going to let you inside." I say, disappearing from the window.

I quietly open the front door, where he stands there. I step into his arms, he wraps them around me, and I just feel so at home. And I know I'm in trouble again.

*** A/N

They're complicated-ness is actually adorable why can't this be real

& HEY IM so so sorry this is late, I have a lot going on right now, please forgive me you beautiful, beautiful people

Goodnight (-: ILY ALL XOXO

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