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I wait with Raven in the room, waiting for the doctor to bring back test results.

The door opens, and the doctor walks in with his clipboard. He sighs," I have good, maybe bad news." Raven holds out her hand for me to take it, but I stare straight at the doctor.

" What is it?" I press.

He checks his clip board," Well, you're definitely not pregnant."

Raven's jaw drops, and I feel myself sigh in relief.

Raven asks frantically," I took a test, I took three tests."

He nods," This does happen on occasion, but you're not pregnant."

I run my fingers through my hair," Thank you, Doctor."

He says," You're welcome. And for future reference, I would use protection, or I can prescribe you the pill."

Raven nods," I'm okay." She hops off the table, and looks at me. She has guilt in her eyes. " I can call someone to come take me home..."

I shake my head," No, it's fine, just get changed and meet me outside."

She nods," Okay."

" Take your time." I say politely, following the doctor out of the room.

I wait for Raven leaning on my car, and I decide to call Clarke.


Laying on the couch and watching a reality TV show, the doorbell rings. I'm not sure if I'm ready to face Bellamy. What do I say? How do I react?

I slowly get up, walking slowly to the door. I open up the door, gripping the handle.

Finn stands there with a sad look on his face and a forming black eye.

" Hey, come in."

He steps inside," Hi."

" Raven told me." I say flat out.

His expression looks surprised," You-you talked to her?"

I nod," Yeah. I still don't know how to feel about it."

He agrees," My thoughts exactly."

" He hasn't shown up, called or texted, I don't know why he would hide this from me?"

" I'm sorry are we talking about the same Bellamy Blake?"

I give him a look," He should've told me himself. I have a right to know this."

" That's why we fought..."

" What?"

" Yeah, I told him to tell you or I would tell you myself. I was just looking out for you, Clarke."

I gasp," Are you kidding? You threatened him that?"

He nods slowly," I was looking out for you, remember?"

I shake my head," You can let yourself out, you two are ridiculous. You don't force him to tell me!"

" Clarke-"

"-Get out." I say sternly.

He nods, walking out of the living room without saying another word. My phone starts to vibrate, and I hesitate to read the name: Bellamy Blake

I pick up my phone, answering without saying a word.

" Hey, can I come over, baby?"

" I'm studying for a huge test tomorrow, I really need to study."

He sighs," I need to see you."

" I have a lot to get done." I say harshly.

" I have some things to tell you. Important-"

I interrupt,"-I want to break up, Bellamy."

" What?"

" I can't keep up with you."

" You talked to Finn, didn't you?" He mumbles a mean name, a curse word.

" That doesn't matter. The point is, Raven is coming between us again, and you let it."

" I didn't-"

"-Why did I have to hear it from her? Huh?! You get a girl, who isn't your girlfriend, pregnant, and she tells me."

He sighs," Clarke-"

"-Don't explain, you always say something and I just fall for it and forgive you. I'm done." I hang up, dropping my phone onto the couch next to me. I curl up on the couch, pressing play on the show and letting small tears fall from my eyes.

*** A/N

Trust me trust me, it does go up from here, and happy chapters are coming

In case you didn't understand the whole Raven thing, she DID NOT fake a baby (but that'll be explained later)

Thank you all sooo sooo SO SO much for 10k+ reads, honestly can't even believe that! You're all amazing, and I really appreciate you for reading and voting, and all that you do to support this story! XOXO

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