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I notice Raven walking down the hall towards me, and I could totally use some friend laughter to cheer me up. She smiles as we make eye contact, and that's when I realize she's not walking alone. I see Bellamy next to her, staring at me in a forgiving way.
I slam my locker, heading to class. I'm in such a bad mood, more of a tired, I-don't-want-to-be-here kind of feeling. Ever since Bellamy tried to kiss me, I fell into a state of sadness again.
Behind me, I hear Raven call out," Clarke!"

I duck down the stairs and towards my aunt's art room. She smiles from her desk," Hey, what are you doing here?"

" Hiding." I say, sneaking around the door. " Do you have a class?"

" Nope." She says with a laugh.

I shut the door, dropping my bag on the ground and walking to her desk. I slouch into a desk seat, grabbing an empty rectangle paper from the center of the table, a brush, and pulling the paint closer.

" What class do you have now, Clarke?"

" Studyhall." I answer, innocently.

" Why are you avoiding studyhall?" She asks, curiously.

" No reason." She doesn't need to know I'm avoiding Bellamy, I just want to forget everything that happened when he saw my artwork. I'm sure he told Raven too, so I'll just casually forget about it.

" Mhm." She says, with her sassy, thirty year old voice.

Later that day, I rush out of my accounting class, feeling as if I just failed that test. I have a raging headache and again, I can't stop thinking about my mother and my father. Bellamy arose feelings I didn't want to rememeber.

Speaking of the devil, turning the corner in the direction of my locker, I crash right into him; knocking all of our books out of our hands.

He gives me a shy laugh," We have to stop meeting like this."

" Ha-ha." I say, grabbing my things.

He picks up my sketchbook, since it was right next to his hand.

" Thanks for not snooping through." I say sarcastically.

" I told you I was sorry."

" Sorry for what? Looking through my personal things or forcing a kiss on me."

He blushes," I would go back and redo that picture situation, but I think I'd kiss you all over again."

" Of course you would." I respond, almost in a mumble. I walk off, now knowing he'll totally follow.

He says," If you want to come by the café and talk, I'm all ears. And hot chocolate is on the house, just for you." The way he says the last word, sends shivers up my spine.

" Talk about what?"

" Anything you want." He says genuinly.

" I'm not much of a talker."

He smirks," We don't have to talk."

I smack his shoulder," I was wondering when the witty remark was coming."

He laughs," But seriously, Clarke, you can come to me...I could be that guy for you."

I swallow hard, tensing up. I look at my shoes then nod at him," Yeah, I'll think about dropping by."

*** A/N

Today was such a bad day. Ugh. Sorry this post is so late & so short )-:

Thank you soo much for 800+ reads, it definitely brightened my day up! XOXO

(P.S. I kinda like showing the weakness in Clarke in this case, because she doesn't have the Sky People to protect and a war to fight, so she's loosing sight of herself since she lost her parents and the war is being fought in her head on how to cope with it all...just in case some of y'all are a little confused on why she seems a little different than from the show, she holds different grievances here)

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