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The next day, I wake up from my vibrating phone. I answer, not checking the name," Hello?"

" Goodmorning." I hear in a bright, happy voice.

" Hey, Bellamy."

" Teacher conference day, what are you up to?"

" Sleeping."

He sighs," Or we could go out and have some fun."

" Or we could sleep." I say, in a happier tone.

" May I join you for a nap then?"

" Yeah, I'd like that."

" Great." He says, hanging up. Did he just hang up on me?

He slowly walks into my room, slipping off his shoes.

I laugh," That was quick."

" You're Aunt let me in on her way out."

I nod," Well come here."

He smiles, coming towards me. He lays down and I pull him close.

While we sleep, I wake up when he shakes, like a shartled scare in a nightmare. He jumps and his finger moves slowly. I carefully rub my eyes, checking to see if I'm not just seeing things. He's scared. I slowly shake his arm, whispering," Hey...are you alright?"

He wakes up, jolting up and staring at me with wide eyes.

" You seemed to be having a nightmare?" I say, cautiously. I don't want to scare him away.

He shakes his head," No...I was just, dreaming. Dreaming about you." He holds his hand under my cheek and then kisses me. " I have to get going actually, I forgot I promised my mom I'd pick up a shift today."

" I'll visit you later." I say with a shy smile, taking his hand.

He pulls away," No, I'll be busy. I'll call you later." He kisses my forehead, and leaves in a rush. I hear the front door shut, and I fall onto my back with a sigh.

As I lay awake that night, I toss and turn, thinking of Bellamy. Why my mind just naturally wonders to him all the time now, amazes me. I'm happy.

I grab my phone from underneath my pillow, texting him:

How was work?

He responds quickly, sending shivers up my spine in excitement:

Closing up now, lots of dishes to clean here...busy day

I reply:

Anything I can do to make it better?

He responds:

Get some sleep for me


I set my phone down, going into the kitchen to tackle some dishes. Heading to the café door to lock up, later, the bells chime, and someone steps inside. In a stern voice," We're closed." I look up, seeing a crying Raven.

I step closer," Raven, what's wrong?"

" Remember how you use to tell me how I could come to you for anything?"

I sigh," I can't be that guy for you anymore, Raven."

" I don't have anyone else to go to." She cries.

" Where's Finn? He cares about you."

" Not like you do, Bellamy." She comes closer, wrapping her arms around my neck and resting her head on my shoulder. I slowly hesitate, holding her in a comforting-friend way. I glance at the window, catching a glimpse of some blonde, curly hair. I swear to myself, mentally punching myself as well.


The next day, Friday, I head into school with a dazed and tired feeling. My Aunt's hand on my shoulder startles me. She smiles," Cheer up, hun, it's Friday!"

I shrug, and fake a smile," Yeah, I know. See you later."

" I was thinking pizza night?" She asks.

I nod," Sounds good." I walk off down the hall, heading towards my locker. I turn the hall, finding Bellamy holding Raven again. Wow. Kinda familiar.

I turn and skip out on going to my locker, hiding in first period. Next period I see them both, what do I do? Act normal, and just drop my feelings for Bellamy, because obviously it's not going to work out, or do I continue to trust him and possibly let myself get hurt?
I can't be mad.
And I can't be hurt.
We're not dating. And now, I don't know if I ever could date him.

*** A/N
Call me the queen of inconsistency, because I can't post everyday, and I can't keep these two together, Ugh!

Pre-writing some chapters so hopefully till next weekend I'll have an update everyday!

I'm going to Chicago for three or so days during my spring break, so I probably won't be posting, unless I pre-write, so don't hate me or comment mean things if I'm missing for a couple days (the week after next)

ILY! XOXO Tysm for almost 4k, and almost 100 followers! That's pretty darn cool!

And for those messaging me wondering when this story is ending....NOT ANYTIME SOON. I don't yet have an ending, so be happy & keep reading! Y'all are the greatest!

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