forty-six (the end)

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The title says it all...enjoy, the official last chapter...*tear tear* PLEASE read the long note at the end!!!


I stand in front of my mirror, fixing my collar. I look down at my shoes, remembering Clarke fixing my collar endlessly, and forcing me to take off my shoes so I didn't wake up her Aunt Kim; back when I snuck in and laid with her all night miscellaneously talking.

God. I miss her so much. I screwed up though.

I step out of the car, watching everyone walk into the building with sad faces and frowning expressions. Then I see her. She looks so different. But she was never more beautiful.

Her brown eyes meet mine, and her depressed eyes brighten. Her lips curve into a smile, and she hides some tears. Clarke starts towards me, looking at the ground.

I sniff my coat, making sure I sprayed some cologone. I fix my hair and cough before Clarke reaches me halfway.

She breathes," Hi."

I smile back," Hey."

" How are you?" We both say in unison. We both laugh.

I nod," You first."

" I miss you." She confesses.

" You do?"

She scoffs," Yeah. I still love you, Bellamy."

" You have no idea how happy that makes me..." I confess, hiding my shaking, nervous hands in my pockets.

She frowns," I need you."

I pull her close, resting her head on my shoulder. " I love you." I kiss the soft spot on her head, holding her close.

She wraps her arms around me, crying into my neck. " Can you stay with me tonight?"

I nod, rubbing her back," Of course."

After the wake, I lay in Clarke's room while she showers. She's a wreck.
I lay with her all night, holding her and letting her cry into me.

She sits up, looking at me," Change the subject."

" What?"

She flaps her hands in front of her face to dry her tears," Change the subject!"

I hold her chin," You're beautiful."

She laughs, laying back down. " Nevermind." We both lay awake for awhile, just breathing in each other's company.

" I remember the first time you said my name." I say.

Her chest rises in a short laugh.

" You use to hate me."

" You were a player, Bellamy."

I nod," I was."

She smiles, proudly," But then you fell in-love with me."

I nod, and sigh," Hey, you did too." I tap her nose.

" You said it first, silly." She laughs. It's so good to see her genuinly smile.

" I knew I loved you for awhile, or I knew I was going to love you, long before I actually admitted to it."

She plays with my fingers," Oh yeah? When did you know?"

" When you told me to look at myself as a color."

She laughs," You remember that?"

" I remember everything."

She smiles," That's why I adore you."

I sigh, and sit up," Okay, I wasn't going to tell you, because it'd be throwing Octavia under the bus, but I want you to go to the art program."

She looks away," Damn, Octavia. I forget you have some sibling priviledge. Why do you want me to go?"

" Because I love you, and I know you're an amazing artist who needs to shine."

She sighs," I can shine here. With you."

" Clarke Griffin, my beautiful girlfriend, is going to change the world someday. You know how I know?" She looks up at me with a questionable look," Because you're my world, you already changed mine. And you're artwork is going to change everyone else's."

She smiles up at me," If I go, you'll be okay, right?"

I nod," Don't worry about me. As long as you're happy, I'll be here when you get back."

She looks away for a moment, then looks up at me," You're my favorite color." I smile, kissing her softly.

THE END (for now)

*** A/N

I was going to add it on a sadder note but that got cut & I wanted it to end like this because their talk during one of their first conversations @ the party, is my favorite scene

Check out book #2- Graduates which is posted now and under way with updates!

Make sure you follow me, so you can stay updated! I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!! Thank you for letting me sloppily write chapter after chapter, still supporting and voting!

I want to dedicate this last update to SOO many of you, but I'd feel absolutely guilty if I forgot someone, but I'm sure you ALL know who you are!

& if anyone is upset with this ending, you can shove it up your (unmentionable parts) because I think this story has a little something no other stories have; this love story isn't as cliché and predictable as most are, and I like it like thank you



- Delanie (your not so anonymous anymore, crazy & editing lazy author of Mount Weather High) XOXO

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