11. Nakdong

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I walk forth the rose garden that leads to the river where I'll meet Jungkook. Thinking about what Mr. Park addressed me earlier today, I pass my hands on the beautiful flowers on my way.

He nearly called me daughter.

This only means there's two options:

I look like his daughter whom he might not see often or.....

I might be... Wait no way, how can I be his daughter? I remember my father showing me my birth records when I was about to have our clan mark for my eighteenth birthday, I was born in Gimhae there's no doubt in that. But what if...

I remember my mother speaking with one of the house maids about Busan, saying that she missed the walks she had as a teenager around the rose garden during the night where she heard some music from afar.

This surely proves she's from Busan.

If I'm not mistaken, she also spoke about a certain guy from here who made her life hell, the way it is now.

Is it the reason for the enmity between Gimhae and Busan? I can't think straight with the amount of bits and pieces I've in my head.

God! Why don't I have the full information?

Thinking about all these I walk further into the cold wind that blows directly on my face messing my hair, I bump into something hard or rather someone's hard chest.

With the scent of the rare orchids, I'm sure it's none other than the satan himself.

"I think you can only sleep if we bump into each other everyday" the tall bulky male whispers as he tilts his head to the side to get a proper view of my recovering face.

With an evident frown I scrunch my nose at the sarcasm laced in his voice.

Not knowing how to reply, I just move back a few steps to not have his tempting scent so close to me.

What just happened?

Before I blink he pulls me by my wrist for me to bump into him again, my curves pressing on his hard chest as our heart beats can be felt by each other.

With his head tilted and his nose cutely scrunched to give him a little bunny appearance, he holds my hand close to his lips as he peeks at me before kissing them smoothly like a feather.

Not understanding his behaviour, I try to retreat my hands back from his hold.

It's too dangerous to let myself be near him. He has a dangerous aurora of attracting me like a moth to its fly. Not to mention the perfect face with the perfect body he has. It's intoxicating my senses in a way that I can't express how I feel.

It's like I've known him for life yet I don't know who he is, like I've lived him yet I haven't been close enough to understand him, like we've spent countless nights speaking about life yet not remembering anything and more worse I've never seen him until I met him at Jimin's mansion.

".... I can hear your brain over work darling, what's with that pouty-frowny face today, hm?" his honey like voice brings me back from those unnecessary thoughts.

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