33. The Work You Do

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It's been a week since we arrived Daegu and the pressure on us has not decreased a bit because of the constant fear of what might happen to us in the future.

"I'm back home sweetheart" a tired and worn out Jungkook enters our little home wearing a rather forced smile on his thin lips with droopy eyes that barely resemble any life in them now.

"I'll serve you the food in a moment" I speak in a monotonous voice, throat thick with many emotions as I make my way to the corner of the room where I've already prepared the food in a pot. It's long gone cold and my heart drops to my stomach at the idea of feeding him the cold, stale food after he has worked hard to earn us some money to live here. If only he allowed me to work somewhere to provide us something more. If only he wasn't so damn stubborn.

"I'm not hungry sweetheart" I feel my eyes well up with tears at his words and I bite my lips painfully hard until it bleeds. A small sob escapes my lips and I bend my head down in embarrassment.

"Sweetheart? Are you okay?" the sound of footsteps approaching me from behind alerts my senses as I make quick to wipe the uncontrollable tears that are falling down my cheeks.

"Yeah. The food is in there, I'm going to sleep now" I point at the corner as I walk away from him without glancing back at his lean figure. I can't face him like this, especially not after the argument we had yesterday night.

A hand grabbing my wrist halts my steps as he pulls me back to his chest and back hugs me.

"Are you still mad at me baby? Hm?" he sweetly whispers in my ears as if there's nothing wrong about it when I feel like everything is going downhill.

"I'm not. I'm going to bed now, let me go" at my quivering voice, he forces me to meet his red eyes that are heart wrenching to look into. There's no boyish look on his face, no looks of the playkboy I first saw, no flirty language he showed me when we saw each other for the first time, instead he looks old for his age, the wrinkles on his forehead shows the amount of stress he's going through because of me. All I see the the man who's tired of life more than an aged person and I'm the sole reason for his downfall.

"I told you that I don't work there, didn't I darling?"

"Stop it Jungkook. Stop sugar coating your words and stop calling me with such sweet names when we're having a serious conversation" I grit my teeth, tired of his behaviour to hide his work.

"Sorry" he breathes our an airy laugh, finding this situation funny when it's not.

"You can't hide any longer Jungkook. I saw you. I saw you going to the bar with a man holding you so close.... and... and kissing your neck while... groping.... uh... It's not the only job Jungkook..." the tears that were well settled in the back of my eyes, shows itself again as I sob unceasingly.

"Hey baby, it's... it's not what you think it is... He was just,... Just holding me when I was getting some wine to serve from the storage room. He was just being clingy with me because of his drunken state and I can't just push a drunk man who has political powers in this city and get myself into trouble now, can I? I swear it never goes more than being clingy with me and it rarely happens.... Just when I serve them their drinks. That's all"

"What if he asks you to sleep with him? Would you agree just because he holds some political powers and is an important person in this city?" I hiccup as I ask, impossible to get that image out of my head even for once. Isn't there any other work than this? Can't we even provide ourselves the luxury of being safe and sound somewhere while having a decent job?

"No baby, it's a rule in the bar to not sleep with the waiters since we have a lot of to work to do. They know this very well and even a person having high powers doesn't dare to go beyond the rule. You know the links Yoongi hyung has with the mayor. One word from him and the mayor wouldn't even try to go beyond his rules" he gives me a tight lipped smile, holding my waist securely as if I'm going to run away from him, which in some ways I'm thinking to do. What if I run away from here and not be a burden to him? He's going to be free from a lot of responsibilities and my jealous ass.

"I know what you're thinking, stop it sweetheart. I'm not letting you go anytime soon" he sighs near my ear as he tightens his hold on me.

"How-" he presses a kiss on my lips to shut me up. But I don't stop there, I need answers. Now.

"Then why do you always come home this tired and barely conscious when you're just a waiter at some shitty, barely illuminated bar?" my rage gets the best of me as I hit his chest on repeat, not knowing any other way to calm my wounded soul.

"It's... It's because of.." he licks his lips, avoiding my eyes as he sighs loudly.

There it is. Hesitation. Lies. Guilt. Repeat.

"You're lying to me" I deadpan, not having the energy to argue furthermore.

"Sweetheart" his tone is warning to not dig any further but I'm long gone to even notice that.

"Just tell me Jungkook. Tell me you come back to me when you still have their fucking scent sticking around you! Good knows what else those females in the bar did to you. Their feminine scent you carr-"

"Shut up y/n. Do you even know what you're accusing me of? Who do you think I am? What do you take me for? I've told you that it's against the rules to sleep with any of the waiters in the bar, I've told you a hundred times that I'm not sleeping with anyone from the moment I saw you. What more assuring do you need to not be suspicious of me?" he let's go my hold, walking back to hit the wall and slide down to sit on the floor.

"I'm sorry........ I just work..... Uh.... I work in the field for Yoongi hyung to earn a bit more money. I work for him in loading and unloading the imported stuff at his warehouse. I'm trying to..... To earn more money for us to have food thrice a day. I'm sorry for not telling you this sooner" he bends his head down as his knees touch his chest, making himself a cocoon to calm himself.

"I-" I bite my lips at his sudden outburst, not knowing what to say. Words barely get out of my mouth and I decide to just comfort and apologise him with physical attention.

I kneel on the ground to have my face infront of his as I place both of my palms on his arms to move it to his side and sit on his lap. I'm straddling him. If it were any other day I'd have felt nervous and backed off immediately. But I don't think it's a good idea to do that now. He very much needs comfort and I want to believe in his words and put my trust into him.

I'll put my entire trust in him from now on and I'm going to show him that.

"Let's eat and then sleep, alright?" I force myself to smile at him as he peers up at me with big, teary, red eyes and nods lightly.




The streets busy and noisy as ever buzzes into the background as the place I'm working temporarily stands tall and rigid infront of my slumped, tired body. Yesterday was dreadful, I wonder what else is waiting for me today.

Uh, another day of my work life which drains me up.

Trying not to think negatively even before my shift starts, I stretch my arms and huff out a sigh in annoyance.

"Some people should never cross each other's path child. You've heard of the star-crossed lovers, haven't you?" an old woman stands beside me, surprisingly speaking in a brisk manner taking me off guard.

"I'm sorry, ma'am?" I lean forward with a frown on my lips at her harsh words.


It's been a while :(

Excuse me for any grammatical mistakes, haven't proof read it.

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