34. The Old Woman's Words

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Ever felt the need to punch someone in the face because that person just makes you question yourself and isn't important at all in your life?

Yeah, I'm feeling that right now.

The urge to strangle the old woman to death fills my veins with adrenaline and I fold my fingers inwards to control myself. No matter what negativity she's trying to fill inside me, it's still inappropriate to punch her in a public place and bring myself more problems than the ones I'm dealing with.

She archs a brow letting out a chuckle of disbelief as she shakes her head, still leaning on a wooden stick. I just stare at her blankly, don't want to give her the satisfaction of getting on my nerves this early.

Her crinkled face showing her judgemental mind like the other old ladies of the town. Nodding her head at my silence, she continues to speak as if she isn't blocking my way to my work place. Seriously, the oldies ask me about my manners when one of their's is an ill-mannered one.

"Sometimes, the world doesn't seem the way it is and these stupid young adults think about forever as if they're immortals. You seemed like a smart man who would understand what I was trying to say but it seems like you're stupid, just like them. I suggest you come out of your little world to experience the reality" she takes one last glance at my confuse laced face and walks slowly to the other side of the market.

Who the hell is she to tell what I should do?

Huffing out a breath to not take any anger to my working place, I nearly run to the building.


It's late at night by the time I reach home and knock on the door. It must be past midnight by the deafening silence creeping around our little home.

Our home.

Still feels weird to say.

I wonder if this is a good place for y/n to be here alone while I'm at work especially the night times. The place is near to the bar and I can't help but feel anxious every time I think of it. What if she chooses hi—

Shaking the negative thoughts that are occupying my mind, I knock on the door a little harder for her to listen and open it. I kind of feel guilty to wake her from her beauty sleep this late. But I bite the bullet and prepare myself a convincing grin to make her believe I've not just worked to the bone and let men touch me in the places they shouldn't.

Should I feel guilty?

Maybe no. I'm doing this for us. I'm suffering all these for her. She should be thankful for not letting her work and break her back.

But then again if she'd have complained to work, I'd have tied her to the bed until I return back. I know how men think about her sexy figure and in no way I would ever want a man to look at her and get ideas, let alone in this mystery of a big ass city.

Within a minute, the love of my life opens the door slowly, standing behind it to cover herself. Her eyes looking big and wide in what seems to be anxiousness and..... Anticipation? Do they even come along? And her lips. Those pink, plump, fuckable lips.

Wait, what am I thinking? Have I been that deprived to think of those innocent lips such lewedly?

But fuck, does that feel so damn good.

She tries to give a small smile to me but her heavy breathing and glistening skin gives it away they she was actually sleeping.

This is odd.

Very odd.

Her chest is heaving loudly and she licks her lips which have turned too red for normal, sweat glistening on her soft skin makes my throat dry.

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