20. Stay Don't Leave

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"Uh.. There you go" I place the little whiny y/n on her bed, her feverish skin making me worried like ever. She's shaking like a leaf, grinding her teeth to escape the cold even when I'm close to her radiating my body warmth.

"Do you... Want me to... Sing you to sleep?" I offer, trying my best to bring her the comfort she needs. Without uttering a word she nods her head like a baby, looking into my eyes with her teary brown ones that seem to drown in pain.

Fuck! Why can't I take the pain away from her? It's so fucking hard to watch her crumbling right infront of my eyes but not be able to do anything about it.

I walk towards the shelf on the other corner of her room and take a small clean cloth and a dish, filling it with water.

Striding towards the tiny bed made for one, I sit on the edge and place the soaked cloth on her burning forehead. She lets out a hiss at the cold feeling replacing the warmth her body is radiating.

Cupping my hand on her right cheek, I place a soft kiss on her head to which she takes in a sharp breath. I smile, witnessing the reaction she's having because of me. This is a good sign that she isn't fearful of me now.

Making a little space for me on her bed and closing the window to not let the cold wind blow into her tiny but cozy space, I sit beside her sleeping form and place my hand on her hair to soothe her the best way possible, often replacing the heated cloth with a cold one.

As soon as I'm sure she's feeling a little okay, I start to sing my favourite song, the one my mother used to sing back when I was a kid to make me sleep without annoying her.

"Look at the stars that shine so bright,
Look at the bird that flies so high,
Look at the tree that stands so high,
Making me wonder if the world can go right,

Wondering what if I wasn't here with you,
Wondering what if everything was just blue,
Will you just stay by my side to the end?
So that I could shine like a diamond

Look at the stars that shine so bright..."

I look at y/n who's now adjusted to the warmth of her thin covers and has stopped shaking. But worry still stays in my head making me think twice before letting this fragile girl on her own.

Dammit. I'm gonna stay here and make sure she's okay, I'll explain to Namjoon hyung tomorrow. He'll understand me anyway.

"Jun—Jungkook..." her soft voice gains my attention back on her as she looks up with glassy eyes which now hold numerous questions.

"Yes darling, do you need something?" I ask in a small voice to not scare her while brushing her cheek ever so softly.

"N-no, it's... I've heard that song somewhere. Is it... Does everyone here sing the same song.. Or?"

My heart beats crazy at the questions she asks and an eerie discomfort lingers in the air at my unwillingness to answer.

Doesn't she remember this song?

Should I remind her?

What if something bad happens to her if I speak? What if she gets a permanent ache, worse die? What am I going to answer now? Is it even safe to reveal the truth to her in this life?

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