17. You Make Me Nervous

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"What happened darling?" Jungkook bit his bottom lip, applying a little pressure whilst looking around the stores and people of the busy market seeming so carefree as if you weren't burning bright with guilt trapping your soul right behind him. You were so intrigued to build a lie that you forgot your own surroundings. And he knew, knew you'd eventually lie today even if you couldn't bring up a best lie you'd at least try, that was for sure.

But a little part of his heart hoped for you to speak the truth, at least he wouldn't have the fear of you lying to him about some serious issues in the near future.

Your erratic heartbeats could be heard by the male who was frantically biting his nails due to nervousness. It's ironic how you both were such cowards to admit the truth that you couldn't speak out what your minds originally processed or you'd be doomed.

Jungkook couldn't remember the last time he bit his nails in sheer pressure, thoughts jumbled to an extent he almost forgot his own mansion's address with an anguish filled heart. It wasn't very likely for him to feel such things when he walked around the town, head held high with an intention of overcoming any challenges and of course flirting with women.

But you turned him into a mess just by your presence and voice. His thought processing would banish the poor man and all he could hear were his own heartbeats pumping furiously against his ribs which wouldn't help the situation, thus acting moody all the time. This has become his routine to feel nervous around you even if you are minding you own business and doing the chores.

His visits to the Parks' increased drastically in the past few days and the raven haired male hopes for Jimin to be not suspicious of his new behaviours.

He was drawn to you like a moth to a flame.

Compelling with himself, he tries to look at any woman who's passing by, to try and divert his insanely clumsy mind but none helps at the moment.

Hell, he doesn't even remember the last time he slept with a random women. Your true identy changed his normality enormously and somewhere in the back of his mind, he appreciates this new change. Maybe he was tired of the same games, workouts and challenges every single day for about half of the decade and a little change after your arrival made him feel new things, though he masked up his expressions almost all the time.

Now it seemed like thinking of anyone or anything in this planet except you would not give his mind any peace. He was still waiting for your answer.

Looking back at you who's now cutely peeping inside of the bag to check all the things you brought, the raven haired finally gets an unspoken answer.

No matter what or how much he tried, you wouldn't give an answer to him today. Sighing, he gives up.

But to tell the truth, he choose to ignore any false statements that might come out of your mouth, plus he didn't want to feel another layer of pressure accumulate his mind. It was already difficult to overcome the ones that occupied recently.

"A-are we going to your mansion?" you ask, hoping for a negative answer.

"Yeah. Do you expect me to carry these heavy bags alone?"

"But I'm hol-" 'but I'm holding everything on my own' is what you want to reply with but you know better than to do. You were meant to work for him.

"But what?" he peeks a glance at you once more, slowing his steps down to match with yours.

"Nothing" you simply shrug, looking down at the muddy ground which leads the path to the higher rank neighbourhood.

After only a few steps, the tall male acts quickly, taking hold on one of the bags you were holding before proceeding forward with fast steps, not even giving you a chance to resist or to speak.

OK, he's been acting a lot more moody since yesterday and you would be damned if it was because of you being caught red-handed to Mr. Park.

Involving Mr. Park in the frame didn't sound so good to you and you preferred to keep out of his tracks or the the other way around.

"J-jungkook, wait for me" you exclaim before speeding your pace to match with his.

The male only chuckles as a response at your tiny form trying your best to match with his big footsteps and shakes his head, the charming smile that's gracing his lips seeming to be glued permanently in your presence. A new normal.

You're driving me crazy, y/n, I swear.


"You are the one who sent her to Busan right?" the buffed man yells with a petrified tone that makes the woman crumble on the ground, hugging herself tightly and more closely, lips trembling with terror as she hiccups continuously, tasting her own tears.

"Speak up s*ut"

"Nn-o-o, I... I d-di.. d'nt.. Y/n..." she breathes-in sharply, clutching her arm that is bleeding for mercy.

"Then how in the hell does she know the route to Busan, you dirty woman?"

A slap on her back with the leather whip makes her dry throat emit a painful moan as she bites back her tears.

"You're a useless piece of trash"

"Leave her Sang-Hoon, y/n will be soon brought back by my men" a man standing in the dark speaks up for the first time since being in there.

"Don't worry" he comes out of the dark to the dimly lit centre of the room, inhaling a gasper from his left hand before bending down to face the crouched woman and blowing it on her face. He lets out a dark, low chuckle watching her struggle to breathe.

She coughs loudly, lungs having a hard time converting oxygen as her breathing comes out sharp and fast.

The man's lips curve up into a smirk, seeing her lay there covered in bruises and blood in helplessness as he turns towards Sang-Hoon with a crooked plan in his mind.

"Why worry when I'm here"

"It's not that easy brother. I had kept my daughter uninformed for so long, doing everything in my hands to keep her innocent and keep her trust on me. Now she's gone there because of this witch" the mayor kicks his wife in sheer anger as he lites up his own cigarette mumbling curses in a gruff manner.

"First thing, she's not your real daughter. And second, I'll have my men bring her back oblivious to every truth little brother. This is your only brother Jung-Hoon's word to you" he promises with a smirk upon his face.

"Y-you won't b-be... Ugh... For-gived for t-this. I c-curse you" your mother speaks in a brittle voice while coughing blood. She takes another hit from one of the males, her eyes feeling heavy as a result before she feels darkness surround her completely.

"Says the woman who couldn't even protect herself and her child. This unworthy s*ut killed people out of jealousy just for a man" Jung-Hoon huffs as he strides towards the door.

"You coming with me brother?"

"On my way"

"We must have a plan to welcome our little y/n back home. After all white heart occurs only once in a century and we can't let go of this chance, now can we?"

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