38. Mist Around Us

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"You fucker"

A punch lands on Jungkook, bruising his flawless face. His reflexes kick in as he locks his legs on the back of the attacker and lands on top of him, attempting to hurt the man who is now blocking all his punches.

I take a step forward, clutching onto my dagger like my life depends on it, on one sense it really does.

The face of the strong man covered by a silk cloth with which he's cleverly hid his face makes him look like a local thug breaking in here to rob us if I didn't know any better.

But he looks experienced, as if he knows Jungkook's next moves. His attacks seem to be of the type soldiers are trained to protect their town.

Jungkook rolls the both of them for him to be on top but the short male doesn't seem to appreciate his actions and locks him to the ground making my man struggle to get out of his grasp.

Within a blink of an eye the room turns misty and dreamy. The little sparks and bubbles in the atmosphere surrounding us making my brain hazy. I lick my lips as I step forward to pop one of the bubbles, the fight of the two men long forgotten. And by the sounds that they are making, they too have stopped trying to kill each other and are following the bubbles like the most loyal dogs.

It's a wonder how the mist has a greater influence on them than it has on me given the fact that I can still think clearly(or so I assume) and check my surroundings without feeling drowsy. That's when I snap out of the daydream and suddenly look around us to check where the short old man is, only to find him standing at the corner with something covering his nose and ears.

He arches a brow when our eyes lock together, his apple cheeks close to his eyes as the smirk on his face intensifies.

"You really.... are a..... Green witch" he claps his hands, tapping his leather boots on the wooden floor, cursing under his breath.

"What... How can you.... How?" my throat goes dry, my heart pounding hard against my ribcage, revolting to be free from its destined prison as I take a look at the two boys who are in their own world without a care of what is happening around them.

"Don't worry about them. They won't be back untill the mist disappears which will take an hour or so according to my dosage. Now, you be a good submissive lady and sit on this chair" he drags the chair on the ground creating an awful screeching sound as he points to it "or I take the matters to my own hands and report you to the town mayor and make him kill you infront of everyone. Trust me Jungkook will be hurt more than you assume, he'll literally die" his eyes crinkle, his tone seeming to be amused.

"We don't have much time Lee Y/n... I'd do as I was told if I were you" his voice seems to be on the edge, the gravelly yet tremulous tone doesn't add up but I don't question further.

Going against him seems to be a suicide bomb.

I zip my lips and walk towards the chair with wobbling legs, my hands trying hard to work their magic of a green witch and mind hunting to sense something related to green trees or woody trunks.

"You won't have any help from your green friends today" shit. He noticed it.

I sit on the flat wooden surface and face the angry male with sharp eyes though my heart is in my throat. I must keep a strong facade, at least for the sake of Jungkook.

I turn to look at him, my boyfriend, my man, my lover, his eyes sparkling, celestial even as his fingers pop every bubble near him, his giggles resonating throughout the place. It's addicting, the way he brightens my mood simply by existing. His bare feet tap against the bloody cold wooden as his body dances like a little toddler enjoying his time being away from his mother's earshot. He looks so happy and for a moment I feel guilty to snatch that happiness away from him.

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