1. The Runaway

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Sometime during the 20th century

"Today the drinks are on me!" your friend says as he holds his glass high. As soon as the last word leaves his lips, a bullet breaks through the glass making everyone in the bar panick. More bullets are fired through the glass wall as people start to scurry towards the exit. You can't even process what is happening around your frozen figure until you friend yells "y/n, run! Save your life."

It was him. He knew where you were. Without thinking twice, you start to run. Run far away from him and towards the freedom that you finally acquired after living 18 years of your life in his hell. You run without having any particular destination in your mind. It was either 'live or die' situation for you.

The moon was bright and the stars were shining, an indication of the dark night ahead of you. You run as fast and as far away as your short legs could take you. Tears started streaming down your flawless face making you look like a complete mess. You ran until you couldn't hear any noises or footsteps behind you.

It's now that you take a note of your surroundings; the sounds of screeching owls, hungry hedgehogs, noisy cicada, howling of wolves, and rustling of leaves.

You try to look for the path you came from or a bit of light that'll lead you back to the town, but instead you find similar long trees piled upto miles, foggy surroundings, dark night where the moonlight barely touched the ground because of the long, clouded trees.

Your mouth goes dry, chest tightens, you feel chills on the back of your neck, blood drains from your face. You are lost. You are lost in the deeper parts of the woods where the wild predators dwell.

The sound of footsteps draws your attention. Thinking it might be a predator, you run in the opposite direction of the sound to save yourself but stumble upon a log and fall face first on the muddy ground. Oh, how you wish you hadn't run away from the town. You pray to the God that the footsteps weren't of any hungry predators. You don't want to die this early, you want to live the way you ever wanted after accomplishing the plan of running away from hell.

Suddenly icy fingers grab your arm and roughly pulls up making you stand on the ground. 'No! It can't be him' you internally cry and prepare yourself for what is about to come. A low chuckle rumbles from an unknown male. 'He isn't one of my father's men' you think and visibly start to shake at the thought of men from the ememy town capturing and making you their slave.

"Who... Who are... You?"you finally muster up your lost voice feeling queasy, earning an amused laugh from the male making your legs wobble. It was sure by then that the guy who was holding you was not of your town but a different one.

" I knew it was going to be an epic hunt" another male lets out a chortle as he paces towards the both of you. You wipe the blood from your cheek with your trembling hand that was free. As you start to move, the man who was holding your arm grips it tighter making you whimper from the immense pain. Before you even open your mouth to speak, the other guy covers your nose with a cloth. And within seconds you feel the familiar blurry world and dizziness as you envelop darkness.


The strong rays of the sun directly hit your eyes making you open them while grumbling because of the acute headache and the body pain. You briefly glance your surroundings taking a note that you are in a prison filled with young girls of your age and a fewer old women. You look at your own self, dress soaked with mud and blood, arms and legs that are now painted with bruises and dark blood clotts. You examine your face with your hands feeling little cuts on your cheekbone, wincing at the pain.

You regret your decision of running away from your town and towards the woods, you regret the decision of running away from your father, you regret being born to the town's mayor.

Tears start to accumulate in the corner of your eyes but you refused to cry in front of everyone because that's what your father taught 'crying in front of everyone brings disgrace to the family.' Even after running away from him, you couldn't see yourself as a different person that you assumed you'd be, but you sure as hell are going to try. At least for the sake of yourself.

With wobbling legs, you take the support of the wall behind and stand up, holding the iron bars of the prison. "W-where am... Am I?" you question the guard who was pacing back and forth in front of the prison. He shoots a sharp glare to you, indirectly warning that you aren't given the honour of speech while in prison.

But you don't fail to notice the mark on his neck that is the symbol of the town. It is a tattoo of Black Mamba tangled on a ship wheel.

It is the tattoo of the most powerful town in the state and an enemy of your father's town.

If you're wondering how the tattoo looks, here's a picture.
Just imagine the rope as Black Mamba (a venomous snake)

 Just imagine the rope as Black Mamba (a venomous snake)

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