22. A Witch

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I step out of the mansion in a discrete manner, holding onto the important cloth tightly to ensure its safe in my possession. Darting my eyes around once again, I place my foot on the wet grass to not make any sound and tip toe my way to the river.

With heart beating at an abnormal pace, I walk as quickly as possible to the river side where I meet Jungkook every night.

Seeing his silhouette from a few meters away, my mind calms down a bit and I feel a wave of relief wash through my entire being.

"Jungkook" I call, hoping for him to be in a good mindset tonight to listen about all the things going inside the Park mansion. I pray to God that he is going to believe me after I speak about his best friend's father and my master right behind his back. But a part of me still wonders, will he believe me over Mr. Park who he's spent most of his life taking advices?

Why do I feel like a spy here?

As soon as he spots me in the dark, he jogs his way in my direction and stops right infront of me, his face showing various emotions all at once, if that's even possible.

"Y/n," he breathes out in a way that sends tingles down my spine in a weirdly pleasuring manner and I wish to listen to it again and again forgetting the main reason I'm here tonight. It's too sweet and evil for my own good. Flashing a boyish smile, he takes hold of my hand in a delicate manner and presses his lips on my knuckles.

"A new way to say hello I guess"

"Mhm, a gentleman's way sweetheart"

"Tch, master is playful today"

Oh, here goes my mind mixing with my speech. I should have kept it to myself. This is bad. This is really, really bad. I shouldn't have said that out so loud. God, I'm embarrassed now. My cheeks are burning and I can already feel the smirk on his rosy lips, feeling proud of himself. I just boosted his ego!

"Repeate that darling"

"Uh, we'll just forgot it. I'm sorry" I speak, my eyes darting everywhere but on him to not make any eye contact with his sharp and predatory ones.

"What are you sorry for dear? You just spoke your heart out" he giggles finding the situation amusing while I'm wishing to be buried underground than to be exposed like this.

"Anyways," he finally decides to move on to the next topic, probably pitying me. I hate it now that its even more awkward between us. I must speak of something first.

"I have something to say" we both speak in unison our eyes looking at each other deeply, connecting to another world.

Why does looking into his brown orbs each time makes me feel like I'm diving further into the dark ocean without any escape? Do I even want to escape?

What am I getting myself into?

A chuckle escapes his luscious lips as he motions me to speak first.

"Ladies first"

I nibble my lips together as nervousness takes over my confident self that honestly had taken so much power to prepare.

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