18. Fireworks And Butterflies

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Jungkook walks back and forth by the river, thoughts pestering him nonstop as his brows crease together in high tension making the lines on his forehead visible even under the moonlight. It was decided that he'd ask you about your past tonight and wouldn't waste anymore chances of knowing the full truth. But the only question that bothered him was, how would he ask you about everything without getting any hate in return? He just couldn't run to you and say 'hey y/n I know your true identity might as well tell me everything about your past', it was absurd.

Nibbling his inner cheek as if in deep thoughts, he doesn't notice your presence right beside him until you call his name.

"Jungkook" just your soft honey like voice is able to bring him out of his trance and a small grin pulls up his lips noticing your unusual attire.

You were wearing a light blue hanbok matching with a white rose pinned to your braided hair. Nothing much special, but to him you looked even more prettier tonight. Maybe because of the full moon or maybe because he consumed a little alcohol before arriving to this spot, altogether he felt fireworks explode inside of him. The feeling of something tickling in the pit of his stomach as he clenches his fingers tightly around the bag he was carrying. He couldn't afford to lose self control now. Not when he had a mission to know what you actually remember or well... forced to remember. Controlling his urges, he steps forth mustering up a gentle smile on his lips as he tilts his head to the side looking at you from a certain angle.

"You look beautiful tonight" he breathes out, his voice coming out lower than he expects it to be. But either way he loves to see the look on your face, cheeks tinted with a deep shade of red while your thighs visibly clench together. To say you look cute would be an understatement.

"T-thank you" you whisper, unable to look into his brown orbs that are full of shimmering galaxies.

"What's the occasion darling?" the endearment rolls of his tongue like a pearl sliding on silk as your shoulders hunch together in shyness. It was really unlike of you to act shy when just a few days ago you were shooting bullets through his head for a little mistake he never intended to.

But maybe you forgave him after watching guilt looming in his doe like eyes.

The tall man infront of you feels insecure that your change of behaviour being one of Taehyung's dirty trick and suddenly clenches his jaw at the thoughts roaming his mind. He's thankful that you're too busy in observing whatever looks so special on the ground that you don't notice the sudden tension building in the air.

To avoid thinking of all the worse happenings, Jungkook shakes his head, ready to ask some other question and opens his mouth to speak before you cut him off unintentionally with your answer.

"I-I just.... Its... Ji Eun made me wear this tonight. Told, this colour suits me more than her... and.... since tonight is full moon, she was extra demanding on me to wear this...... For you" though you mumble the last two words in a whisper, Jungkook clearly hears it, feeling his heart bloom into a bright coloured flower, a satisfied smile welcoming his features along with a mixture of happiness and a sense of pride.

Ji Eun definitely needs a pay raise.

He was happy that you wore it for him and specially made an effort to look good tonight. But the happy and jittery thoughts come to halt as the realisation hits him. He planned to ask you about your past but you were too much in a happy mood to speak about anything other than 'forever' things.

At one point he even takes a step back and decides to walk back to his home but that soon changes into a feeling of guilt watching you twirl your hanbok with a shy smile on your soft features. Moreover he hadn't yet replied to you and it would be rather rude if he walks back breaking your heart. It already took you so long to adjust to him and he didn't want to ruin every bit of his hard work for you to walk out of his life once again.

Coming to a conclusion, he holds your right hand into his big manly one and lifts your chin up with left to look at him in the eyes.

"You're wearing this dress just for me?" he speaks softly, taking extra care to not make any mistakes or misunderstandings anymore. Your cheeks widen up and smile grows even more and you nod your head lightly, enough for him to see your response. The dim moonlight is enough to highlight your cheekbones, a little of your forehead and the widened yet gleaming irises that he wishes to never look away from. You made him feel home.

"So... Since there aren't any animals for us to hunt in this part of the forest, let's take a walk and relax ourselves, yeah?" he chuckles, scratching the back of his ear in embarrassment. It was the first time he ever asked a girl to walk with him and talk about anything, when in past it was always about craving his sexual needs. Another first with you.

Walking peacefully in the midst of the forest without any sort of awkwardness, Jungkook often takes glances of your shy side profile to make sure you were alright.

"So.. Uh... Are we just going to walk today?" you speak breaking the silence, peering up at him with slightly raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, unless you want to race with me in such a beautiful hanbok" he speaks cockily.

"I didn't mean that you know. And you find this hanbok beautiful...?" you ask surprised that he was complimenting your dress without actually flirting with you like usual.

"Uh uh, not the hanbok" he looks at with a bunny smile.

"But... But you said that just a moment ago"

"Well, technically yeah but no"

"What does that even mean?"

"Hey are you dumb today or... Wait where is my y/n? Who are you? Where are you hiding her? Give me back my y/n" he speaks, placing right hand on his chest and looks at you with surprise while you nervously giggle at his childish acts.

Your heart was beating crazy, hammering against your chest at a fast pace after hearing 'my y/n' coming from his mouth. It was childish you knew, but still your tummy filled with butterflies and giddy feelings after hearing him actually say that infront of you.

"Hey, give me back my y/n"

Again that feeling.

It was unstoppable now. You were scared of him seeing you in this state, terrified even. You had started to like him despite his behavioural changes. Especially from the night Mr. Park returned home. There was this feeling in the deep parts of your heart saying you were somehow connected to this land yet another was stubborn to believe it. This was probably because of your mother mentioning Busan and its specialty often to her personal maid without your father's knowledge. And you choose to believe that you were just intrigued to know more about Busan rather than anything else.

"Y/n" Jungkook whispers, his tone seeming serious.

"Yes Jungkook"

"How did you spend your childhood? I want to know more about you"

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