37. Open Wounds

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

The tapping sounds of the boot on the dark-brown wooden floor resonates throughout the dark, chilled room.

The atmosphere is thick with unsaid tension, fear, agony along with some whimpers coming out of a weak woman curled up at the corner.

She barely has clothes on her body, everything being torn as she shivers all the while mumbling incoherent words to herself as some sort of assurance that life will somehow magically return back to how it was before all the mess happened.

She is restless, shaken and petrified even of the things her so called 'husband' did to her. In no way was he gentle and had mercy over the weak witch she is.

"W-why.... Not... I..." she fights herself to form a coherent word when he fists her hair tighter in his grasp, bringing her face closer to his own as he spits on her tear-stained face to which she shudders.

Did she deserve the way he treats her?

According to him, she does.

"Look at that! Such a beautiful, messy whore taking my spit as an honour! You want more? Eh?" he turns one edge of his lips up into a devilish smirk as his other hand cups her throat filled with red marks and hickies.

The woman tries her best to shake her head as a 'no' while trying to breathe through her mouth for she feels suffocated every time he 'visits' her.

It's a gut wrenching feeling. Really. To have been stripped down as one of the most popular woman and the wife of the mayor in the town to a low mistress of the other mayor. But she held her head high under the sun until she crossed paths with him again.

It wasn't intended, not at all, but her long awaited emotions took a roller-coaster ride in her life once she spoke to him.

It was then that she realised what a big trap she had ended into. Being caught red handed on that winter night was the last time she ever saw the daylight. She was forced for everything. Her opinion seemed to be out of the window and punishment became a regular event.

The one thing she loathes is being sold to a lust crazed man for cheap.

But she had no control in her life anymore and she cried herself to sleep every night for that sole reason.

"You want him back, don't you? What would he think of you if he sees you now? Will he be disgusted? Wait—he is a disgusting manwhore who am I even speaking of" he let's out a chuckle as he cuts maximum of air passing through her windpipe. Anymore pressure and she dies. Just like she hopes to end her life all the time but like every time he lets his hand down right before her vision turns into dark, black spots.

It had become a routine now and he knows just how much time and pressure on a specific spot she needs to start sliding off conscious. It's like he has memorised everything about her body, every dip and low, each stretch marks and scars his own hands have created but one thing he fails to understand is her heart and he never intends to do so. Never in a million years.

She doesn't deserve his love after what she has done to him.

"You yearn for him don't you? Little slut?" he eyes her while she whimpers, shaking her head as no. Tears soak her cheeks, head fuzzy with all the degrading he has done, her body finally gives up as she suddenly leans to her side to lay on the cold wooden floor.

She's physically and mentally exhausted. She wants to live no more.

"Such a shame to even have you as my wife. Tch" he mumbles as he stands back up.

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