19. Know More About You

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"Why would you want to know more about me?" you raise your brows together as a nervous chuckle leaves your lips.

It actually is surprising to you, him asking about your childhood out of the blue. He is asking about the enemy town mayor's daughter about her childhood. Of course it looks fishy for even a kid of ten. But what more surprises you is his tone of eagerness. The way he looks at you with wide eyes, his voice inched high, nibbling on the inside of his cheek while fiddling with his gun. He is nervous yet eager and that's more than obvious to anyone.

But the reason for all of these? You can't quite figure it out.

"I don't know, it's just.. Well curiosity, you can say. Your town is a bit secretive and no outsider knows much about the culture and the people. so I was just curious about how people live there and all... You know" the tall male speaks in response, his gaze anywhere but on you. It is actually kind of cute how he tries to act manly at the same time he is a stuttering mess infront of you during the night.

In the past days you spent with him, one thing you've got to know is that he is a soft boy during the night and the complete opposite during day time. His behaviour changes twice a day and as far as you know, such constant behavioural changes are harmful to one. This automatically states Jungkook is in danger yet you can't put it up in words every time you are infront of him, it's like your lips are sealed together to broach the topic and unleash an evil part of him you don't wish to see. Moreover, he makes you all giddy and nervous like a preteen girl when he's near you.

Funny how the tables have turned tonight.

"Are to trying to know about my father's plan Jeon?" you speak with fake strictness in your voice as you eye the male chuckling to himself.

"I do. If I'm being honest, I really want to know what your bastard of a father is planning against mankind but I also know that you have no idea what he really intends to" he speaks, looking up at the dark, vast sky engulfing the earth's atmosphere through which the moon and few stars are scattered forming unnamed constellations. Slowing down his pace, he breathes out shakily, remembering the scenes he wishes to forget but is unable to do so.

The memories from that particular night still haunts him like a fresh untreated wound. The thoughts of the past repeating itself shudders him like a thunder striking the complete town and burning it into ashes.

Scared was a mere adjective compared to the feelings he has trapped in his heart for a long, long time. Sighing sharply, he bends his head a little to see your lips curled into a frown. A sudden wave of guilt engulfs his being as he panics to get right words to rephrase his own words from earlier.

"I-I'm sorry. Its just... Uh... Your father isn't really a good man.. I mean... No.. Your real fa... Wait... I personally don't like your 'father'" he says quoting in the air hoping for you to understand his words, his face looking as if he just ate a sour lime.

You laugh watching him desperately trying to rephrase his previous sentences into a decent form without offending you in an adorable manner, stuttering to find the right words.

If you keep being so adorable, I might fall for you Jeon Jungkook and its a big crime if a servant girl falls in love with a master.

Your laughter gradually decreases after looking at his pink, puffy cheeks and jutted out lips that are surely the signs of embarrassment.

"Okay, I'm.. I'm sorry" you speak with difficulty, trying your best to not laugh infront of the sulky male.

"I'm sorry too. Didn't mean to sound so rude" his demeanour changes as his eyes reflect true guilt. He's honestly  apologetic to the way he spoke infront of you; who has no idea of your so called father's true intentions. But he couldn't completely put the blame on your mother too. She had to survive to look after you and keep you safe untill someone out there was ready to take care of you without having any selfish intentions. After all you were a white heart female and danger would find its way towards you in any way possible.

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