12. Grumbling Thunders

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You stare at the man in absolute horror,  your jaw touching the ground and eyes welled up with tears of fear. He wasn't supposed to be here. You weren't supposed to get caught like a predator hunting its innocent prey.

"I... I'm sorry.." you whisper, bowing your head down ashamed as your body automatically crumbles perceiving his firey gaze.

"I'm sorry Mr. Park" you mumble out loud enough for him to hear, mentally preparing yourself to get any sort of punishment from the taller man.

He gets down the horse taking slow steps in your direction. His high boots resonating the taps on the wet soil in the otherwise eerie silence filled dark forest.

The night seemed to get weirdly chiller with each passing moment and that made the hair on your neck stand on the end at coming in contact with the cool breeze that rushed past you.

"Were.... Were you lost?" He asks with his voice directed softer towards you and you peer up at him in a shy manner, nibbling your lips without the knowledge how to respond to him.

Born with a golden spoon in your mouth, you were never taught how to speak politely with others. Always adored to order around, you didn't really have an idea about how much politely you must speak with him at the moment, especially when he spoke in a soft tone, he was known as the rudest and the most strick man in the town or so you heard.

He had a bulky body like a soldier, face as handsome as god with gaze as sharp as a knife. How could anyone be not be afraid of him? He had this aurora of 'don't try me if you don't want to end up in your grave so early' and you were scared to even look into his eyes even after him showing his soft side to you.

With your shoulders slouched down you respond with a positive answer to which he lets out a small hum.

The weather was turning stranger the more you talked to him. You could feel it in the bones but it was difficult to comprehend the reason behind it. Nature really had her own way with humans, punishing them for dirting, cutting, hurting her in numerous ways.

And with the way he often took glances at the sky, it was obvious he had the same feeling too.

"We must head back to the mansion as soon as possible" Mr. Park speaks hurriedly as he motions you to follow him. Without having any chance but to comply him, you wandered behind him like a lost puppy.

With a few minutes passed walking through the forest that looked similar everywhere, you wonder if Mr. Park really knew the way back to the mansion. The way he approached you with a doubtful question and the way you felt like you were just circling in the same place made you believe that he was lost too. But you'd just have to wait. Maybe this forest was a trap to the outsiders? You never knew. It was for their safety after all.

"So... How long has this been going?" the so far silent male successfully breaks the silence.

"About what?" you hesitatingly peer up at him praying that he didn't find about you sneaking with Jungkook.

"I followed Jungkook to the river kid, don't play with me" his voice seemed to get a little harder as he spoke. With the gentleness long gone from his voice, he looked like a strict trainer. This was definitely not going good.

"I... I help him carry the bag of weapons when he goes to hunting... At night" you mumble looking at the ground but following his steps. Curtains of drizzling rain had met the ground a few moments before and your clothes were starting to getting soked now.

"When he has his own horse? I don't believe that" he half smiles and looks beside him to see you.

You wondered the same thing when he gave you the offer but you were scared to broach the subject thinking it was better to obey him than to repay for your mistakes.

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