23. Will You Stay?

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"No" it barely comes out as a whisper as my whole world shatters down in a moment. Clutching my cloth tightly, I look up at the sky that decorates the night with its dark odor. The sounds of flapping bats, night owls, cicada and other insects ring my ears, creeping me beyond limits. The trees seem to bow horizontally in my direction and blow the wind light enough to show their thankfulness.

Suddenly it seems weird to have the nature turn its way towards me until I realise something. Something so important that was left unsaid all this time.

"W-who am I?" I ask in a tight voice that contains all my true emotions. Jungkook looks at me with a sympathetic manner and pulls me close by my hands until they touch his chest, more specifically right above his heart.

"Don't you think it's already enough for your little brain today? Hm?" he speaks in a concerned voice, his eyes not leaving mine for even a second. And I know he can detect my true intentions from a mile away, its as easy as that for a man like him.

But, is he trying to let me remain unknown to my abilities after dropping a nuclear bomb just a moment ago?

"Tell me Jungkook. I.. I need to know who I am.... After everything I've been through, don't you think I have the right to know about my true self?"

He looks away, hesitating to answer, his eyes distant and mind away in deep thoughts as he stares into blank.

"Please" I plead wanting nothing to do with his thoughts but just my answers. Yes, I'm being selfish. For once.

I know I deserve it, more than anyone right now.

"You're.... You're a green..... Green witch" he speaks in a low voice still avoiding my eyes.

A harsh sigh leaves his lips and he closes his eyes to hold my wrist tightly in his clasp.

A green witch. That's what I am. A witch who controls the nature by her will. The one who closes herself in the deeper and denser parts of the woods to work on her new potions with the rarest herbs in the world that provides immortality to the other witches or at least that's what I've read.

And suddenly everything starts to make sense. My father or the person who was pretending to be one, sending me to the forest to learn about new plants, keeping me away from swords or  learning fights and forcing me to learn cooking, reading books, more specifically about the witchs though I hated it from the pit of my stomach. It was all for his own benefits. He was preparing me to learn about the potion for a specific time where I would be forced to follow his words. And me running away from him would be the hot topic of the town right now. My mother? She'd be harassed brutally after my missing.

What kind of sick world am I living in?

Tears fill up to the brim of my eyes and the world seems vividly blur to me.

How could my mother keep this big secret from me?

"Don't you worry y/n, I'm here for you now and so is Mr. Park..... your true father. We'll do this together alright? Don't think of anything sweetheart, please" he pulls me close to his body warmth and hugs me, mumbling sweet words as one of his hand caresses my hair tenderly. My head rests above his chest and I enclose him tightly with my arms, listening to his calming heartbeats. We spend a few moments in silence, just my little sobs that gradually decrease with the help of his magic hand. The atmosphere around us turning into a calm one as the time passes.

"Jun-nkook" I look up at him, putting my chin on his chest, trying to make him look at me.

His eyes raise up to look at me and it feels like I'm the only one left in the world. His god like features intriguing me from so closely.

"Yes, sweetheart"

"Will you stay?" I whisper with no control over my words, drowning into those beautiful brown orbs that hold millions of galaxies the moment I let out those words.

"Yes sweetheart" he answers, his eyes holding the same intensity as they were   the day we went to the market to buy groceries for the grand ball.

And with the same attention and care, he bends forward, looking into my eyes for permission, puckering his lips, his breath tickling my cheekbone. He holds his hand on my jaw to life my chin up with his thumb and gazes fondly, his eyes switching between both of my eyes to try and read me.

My stomach filles with numerous butterflies and my heart brusts into flavours of happiness as his lips touch the skin on my forehead gently and all the tension in my body flies away in an instant. The blush on my cheeks must have deepen into a dark shade of red and my veins are filled with a rush of adrenaline.

I'm reborn.

But at what cost?

He makes it linger as long as possible and separates his lips from my skin with a gentle sigh. Deciding to cherish this moment for eternity, I smile like an idiot, forgetting what happened few minutes ago and how I was bawling my eyes out, showing him the vulnerable side of me.

Placing his forehead on mine, his eyes smile the song of happiness while the reflection of the moon in his eyes glitters brightly.

"It feels good" the raven haired breaks the comfortable silence as he pulls me even more closer to him with me partially sitting on his lap.


"After so many years, I feel the heavy weight lift off my shoulders tonight. I hope it isn't a burden on you"

"No, don't think that Jungkook. I'm thankful to you, I know who I am now. My ture identity, my biological father and my real birthplace" I speak as I cup his cheeks with both of my tiny hands and he giggles. He giggles adorably, the sound resonating in the silent forest in a beautiful melody.

"Are you..... Going to let Mr. Park know that you know..?" he questions, his voice laced with uncertainty as he furrows his brows together, the breeze gently blowing his long grown hair.

"I don't want to speak to him just yet. I need... More time" I gulp down as the weight of the situation drowns me in pain.

"That's okay, don't force yourself. Take it slow and I'll be there by your side" his lips tug upwards into a crescent as we keep the eye contact and hug each other to give comfort.

What does this make us now?

Will I let my heart out? Will he accept me as his? Doesn't he already have a girlfriend or something? If he has.... Then I'm shattered. Think positively y/n, if he had a girlfriend, he wouldn't be this close to me and have such deep eye contacts. He must be a young, handsome and most eligible bachelor in the town. Yeah, he must be.

I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes to listen to his heartbeats. Holding his big and manlier hand in mine, I intervene our fingers, his thumb rubbing my knuckles as he places another small peck on my forehead mumbling 'it's alright'. This melts my heart and I almost pull myself up to kiss his cheeks until I listen to his heartbeat which is increasing gradually.

A shy smile takes place on my face once I know I'm the reason behind it. Nibbling on my lips I whisper to him.

"When will we return?"

"Just a little more while with you.......Please"

Humming in agreement, I let the breeze envelope me into its plesent world where there isn't anyone ruining this moment.



"Your hand..... It fits so perfectly in mine"

A memory to be treasured for life.

A gift sent from the heaven.

A prayer answered by the gods.

And somewhere in the corner of our hearts, we knew that the deeply buried flower blossomed in each other's presence. However we chose to not speak about it like the cowards we were.

It's all part of the journey anyway.


I listened to 'stay with me' while writing this ;)

Am I dragging each and every scene?

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