1. My future husband

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" Jimin ah don't you think we are too much??"

Seokjin applied the concealer that he hid in the bag today after stealing from his sister's room.

" Come on Jin, we just want to look good and you know right our teacher is super hot, we should try our best to impress him. Might be our threesome dream might come true .."

" In 4 years!!!? "

Jin and Jimin are in senior high school they are 17 years old now. That hot teacher they are referring to is Kim Nam Joon, their English teacher Of course he is hot!!!!

" Don't lose hope sweetheart, We can do this. Don't you think I am looking pretty!!? "

Jimin fixed his hair as he learned through some YouTube videos of 'how to fix your hair in 10 min'...

" You always look pretty Jimin ah. But don't forget I am the prettiest. Let's go"

Once they are done with their makeup which they don't know how to use properly, they go to the canteen where their teacher usually spends his free time sipping coffee.

Jimin and Jin had little pull and push to decide who would first dare to say hai to their teacher. Ending up the brave Jimin shyly bowed at his teacher with a million-dollar smile on his face, which he gives only when he flirts with handsome people.

" Oh!! Jimin, Jin, done with your classes already ??"

Both bowed at him and Namjoon motioned them to take seats in front of him.

" Thank you, sir, actually we are having art class right now, mam told one who didn't complete their work they aren't allowed so.. "

Why does Jin have to be so dumb to say it!!! jimin had to correct things as he didn't want his teacher to think they were those stupid backbenchers who just knew how to create problems...

" I think we are the only piece of art sir...."

That made Jin crash Jimin's pinky under the table while  Namjoon laughed at how Jimin could be so humored...

" Still. You should complete your work though...."

Namjoon ordered milkshakes for both of them even with their protest of saying they just had lunch.

" So...what you guys wanted to talk to me??"

How can they say what they want to talk about!!??

About their fantasy of a threesome in the canteen with their teacher ...

" Actually... I and Jin were thinking how about taking separate classes from you sir, You know we want to learn English properly.... "

That wasn't in their plan, but if they can see this hotty for one hour more who is he to protest?

" Ahh..!!.. That's nice to hear you are interested. I don't do teaching after school hours ....hmm  Let me think about it"

Jin and Jimin already falling for him. How can a person be this hoy at the same time so soft!! God, he is the perfect combination of manliness...

I want to learn English because my mom always wanted me to be a lawyer. So I think I should know English, wish you will help us, sir.."

Jin turned to Jimin after hearing him. Jimin's mom said the only thing she expects from him is to pass high school...

But a little bit of sentiment can work ...

Jimin poked Jin to cover it up after all Jin wants to take acting as his major subject in uni though...

He cleared his voice and thought of saying he wants to become a celebrity and of course, if a celebrity knows many languages it's a plus point to them...

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