14. Do Me

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Jungkook knows his boyfriend very well, but he couldn't understand what made him think Jin would keep decency just because they were a family gathering...!!!

" Baby.... Just wait until we go home please"

Seokjin shook his head no, making Jungkook take a deep breath...

" Stop... Stop rubbing on my clothed dick, what if he starts talking here, I look like a creep in front of your parents"

Seokjin's left hand keeps on doing the godly work and his right hand typing away how his party going with his brother who is staying abroad while his mother tells him how bad manners it is to use the phone when you sit with family for dinner...

Jungkook thanked Mrs. Kim for not knowing What and all types of bad manners her son has...

Seokjin's hands are well trained for giving Jungkook a handjob, even if he is doing something with his other hand, his fingers will move like it's not connected to his body.

" Seokjin... I... I am warning you to stop it right now"

Seokjin looked at him and raised a brow... Sure he is the power bottom and Jungkook agrees.

Oh, why this bad manners now !!?

Jungkook pranked him with breakup news the day they got engaged, he was a little irresponsible for that, but it's their friend's idea!!!... And now Seokjin is making sure Jungkook fights all his will not to give up and look creepy in front of Seokjin's parents...

Seokjin's father is an ex-military man who lives for discipline, surely if he sees Jungkook having a boner at his engagement dinner party with all the family members, while Jin looked so much into the function, will think Jungkook is one little shit, a horny adult might be cheating on jin.

Oh let me tell you, it was 2 years back when Jungkook took all the courage and stood in front of Jin's father and asked for his son's hand, jin's father pointed his military gun at Jungkook's chest... ufff!!!! Jungkook didn't sleep for a week and finally, after learning he is a good guy, Seokjin's father agreed to their relationship.

And Jungkook doesn't know if Jin's father ended up thinking he was cheating on his son where he might point his gun...


Fuck Jungkook is regretting for the first time how his dick works under Seokjin's fingers.... his monster listens to Jin like a loyal dog...

" Fuck..."

Jungkook can feel how much his dick is suffocating in his tight pants...

" Jin....please I beg you, baby...I am s....so sorry"

" You would have thought about that before
You pulling a prank on me babe..."

Oh god!! Yes Jin was about to cry, definitely it squeezed his heart, he hated himself for doing it...but still his dick!!!

" Jungkook are you liking the food??"

Jin's father's voice made him alert in every cell of jungkook.

" Ye...yes uncle, food is delicious..."

" Hmm...our seokjinnie loves all the sweets here, he loves food, I hope you both cook together sometimes whenever you guys are free"

Jungkook tried to smile as much as possible as Seokjin's pace of rubbing on his dick increased...

" Yeah..."

" And I wanted to ask one more thing after your marriage where you guys are planning to go for your honeymoon??"

Mr. Kim was interrupted by his wife, telling him there was no need to ask those things, but Mr.Kim insisted he should know as it was the first time he was letting someone take his son, that too for 1 month.

He is a little more protective...

" Ahh...."

" What??"

Jungkook bit his lips while Seokjin smiling like an innocent baby, who doesn't even know how to bite if you put a finger in his mouth...

Oh god !! He is the best sucker...

" Aaaa....I...mean to say...Aaa...Antarctica"

Jungkook's moan made him end up saying something...

"Antarctica...what you want to see there??"

Who knows!!?

" Ice....ye ice "

" You want to go there to see ice?? What a funny man, if you put water you can see it in your refrigerator too"

Seok-jin got his windshield laugh from his dad for sure, his dad's laugh was, even louder...it was stopped only after receiving Mrs Kim's glare.

" Jungkook loves to feed penguins, Dad..."

Aaa this seokjin needs punishment...

After somewhat joking about how Jungkook still looked scared in front of Seokjin's father ( why not this man carries his gun everywhere ), everyone finished their food while Jungkook released his pants, thanks to God was his black color and he somehow managed...

It was 1clk at midnight when Jin and Jungkook reached home...Jin slept halfway as he looked so tired...

Jin didn't open his eyes when Jungkook parked their car. jungkook knows when Seokjin pretends to sleep. so he picks him in bridal style and throws him on the bed...

He jumped on the bed after removing his coat and tie while unbuttoning his shirt, his fingers caressed Seokjin's ring finger... it was a simple gold ring not even a diamond as jungkook could offer only this much, seokjin never bothered about the difference between their status...

Jungkook looked at his ring, which was shining in the dark...he hugged him before kissing him on his lips, and soon Jin responded to it...

" Love you..."

Jungkook whispered as kissed him more...

" Hmm...."

Seokjin hummed while snuggling to his fiance...

" Babe...I am sorry about the prank, I didn't think much. I never intended to make you cry, I was so bad for that...I am so so sorry and I love you so much"

Jungkook wanted to tell it from the time he saw Jin crying, but his friends and cousins cheered and teased and family members interruptions didn't give him a time.

" I know ....but I am not sorry about giving you a handjob there "


" Babe...I cum in the dining hall when your parents were right in front of me... isn't you a bad boy for that??"

Seokjin raised his head from Jungkook's chest and looked straight into his eyes...

" It was hot.... your dick listens to me so well. But don't you feel you should do something to make me feel good, earlier you made me cry!! "

Seokjin's puppy eyes are all Jungkook needs ...

" Aren't you should get punished ??"

" Isn't we going to end up enjoying anything that you do to me??"

Jungkook leaned in and captured Seokjin's lips...

" What I am going to do with you baby??"

" Do me jungkook"

Jungkook looked into his fiance before getting up and removing his clothes and Seokjin's...

" How tired are you, babe?!"

" How much you wanna make me tired??"

" Don't challenge me, baby??"

" Jungkook, make me remember this night forever "

Jungkook doesn't need to be told anymore...

🤧 I can't go any further !!!

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