15 . Cute Pervert!

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" Aaaa.... Hyung!!! "

Jungkook whined looking at Jin's fingers which were sliding under the cuts of his jeans over his right thigh, while he sat on Jin's lap hands circling his boyfriend's neck.

" What!!?"

" You know right, I got a lot of marks on my thighs from your pinchings "

Jungkook asked with a pout formed on his lips which was effortlessly taken by Jin's plumpy lips...

" I am proud of it "

Jin grinned at Jungkook making him huff at his lover's satisfaction...

" I thought you were a masochist before we started dating but it turns out you are a sadist..."

" Are you wanna back out???"

"No... But what do you think !!? Is I a masochist or a sadist?? "

Jin looked at Jungkook as if he was thinking hard to come up with an answer...

" Hmm ... I think mixed.."

" Is it even a thing?? Mixed he says"

" Really... See, Don't you like when I pinch your thighs, when I bite your  nipples hard...you ask for hard slaps on your butt and..."

" Ahh...okay okay, I am a masochist maybe, but I don't think  I am a sadist!!''

Jungkook had to readjust himself, as he was getting hard just thinking about how much he liked those things.

He likes it more being tied up, being blindfolded, getting used, and many more which Seokjin knows better than himself...

" The man who smashes me between these gigantic arms says he is not sadistic..."

Jungkook adjusted his position to sit on Jin properly... Just to get a good view of Jin.

" Oh dear, it doesn't make me sadistic but a good boyfriend who always wants his lover to be in his arms..."

Jin poked at Jungkook's biceps ...

" These are not just arms though, tell me don't you rove to crush me in bed !? Don't you like to fuck my mouth even when I am choked with your cum, !!? You like to twist my arms as if I am some plushie, you will be slapping hard on my nape and butt even in working places or public ...don't you think these things make you sadistic pervert... "

" Wa!!! You are accusing me now...me ...?? Pervert?!! "

That made Jin giggle as he could feel Jungkook's unintentional mini rubbings over his crotch...

" Yes, you are my pervert baby, who can be anything he wants..."

" I am not...it's you "

Seokjin can feel Jungkook's hip movements slowly increasing in pace, waking up Seokjin's monster.

"Babe we have 30 min for our next shooting, what do you want right now?? Tell me, you will get it... "

Jungkook gulp was visible, and both of them knew that they were turned on and this 30 min could be turned into heaven ...

" I...I am...."

" Wanna be top? Bottom? , Want me to suck your lips? Tongue? fingers? Or your dick, I will be happy if it is your ass...tell me what you want? Hard or soft ??"

Every word made Jungkook reach his limits, he can't understand still how Seokjin can easily rail him up....his pre cum already leaking in his boxer...fuck they have to shoot still...

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