25. Be my F. Boyfriend

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"Okay, now I will announce the pair names for hiking, make sure you tie your hands with your said partners before starting hiking and we will see who will win the first three places "

The cheerful voice of their teacher excites the kids, except Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi, and Kim Namjoon.

All three muttered only one thing,' god please not that person, Namjoon even tried to bribe the god with his Chocolates which he hid from his friends in the bathroom.

" Kim Namjoon with Kim Taehyung "

" Min yoongi with Jung Hoseok "



All three heads were low, squeezing their eyes shut, God didn't help them. Namjoon is sure not going to give his chocolates to anyone.

" God, that guy smiles for no reason, how can I am going to survive for 4 hours !!?"

Yoongi grunted, maybe even grated his teeth with no sound.

" Common yoongi, yours is better than mine, god I can't understand half the things that boy says, he doesn't have logic at all "

Namjoon felt it was so unfair for him, how come the world could be so cruel to this 13-year-old innocent good boy?

" Guys, there is no one who can beat Kim Seokjin, the guy laughs like an earthquake, talks like alien and sure jokes like my granddad and ...oh my god I have listed to say, how the fuck you two are lucky than me !!?"

Jungkook's eyes instantly landed on Seokjin who was standing two rows away from him laughing for god knows what with his best friend Jimin, god that boy was on the floor. Again!!

They even bet who will be having ' most done faces' at the end of hiking. See, these three are not rude okay, it's just they are like that, a little opinionated.

As soon as their teacher announced all the names, students started shuffling and found their pairs easily. But these three didn't move.

'They will come if they want their face to be visible, it's something Yoongi taught them. Of course, the three angels come and stand beside them. They had already the bands with them to tie their hands with each other.

Hoseok chooses a silver color band, Taehyung the green one, it's all better okay until Jungkook sees Jin has a pink band with him, he is so done already!!!. All their friends going to tease the fuck out of him.

So he went to the stage and collected the purple band and came back to his place. By that time all are tied to their hands, of course except Jin.

" Here, we are using this "

Jungkook threw the band at Jin which of course he didn't catch, so he bent down and took it, in that time the students beside him had a nice show of Seokjin's ass, which Jungkook didn't like.

" Why?? I already took this one, pink is my favorite color"

Jin showed the band he is having, how jungkook doesn't know !! Jin's bag, lunch box, water bottle, and all the accessories are pink. Jin even dyed his hair pink once in his middle school days, and no, jungkook didn't like it, he didn't like the way other boys drooled over Jin.

" I know that, I have eyes and I can see it. But I got this one so we are going to tie our hands with this only "

Jin acted like he was in deep thought, but he didn't need to stand showing how curvy his waist was and putting his crooked finger on his rosy full cheeks, with eyes blinking like deer. God !!!!!

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