24. Let's go home

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"Bam !!!, Bam!!! Did you miss Appa?!! "

As Seokjin appeared in the room, Bam, their 5th adopted son, seokjin's spoiled brat came and licked Seokjin's legs saying he missed him so much and the waggling tail showed how much he liked his presence.

" Bam!!! Appa missed you too, come here "

Seokjin caressed him with all the affection, Bam was enjoying the warm hands over him. Soon seokjin's attention was drawn to the body on the bed.

" Is your dad still mad at me ??"

Seokjin whispered near Bam's ear, for the response Bam licked his face

" Why are you here?"

The sleepy voice made both Bam and Jin look at the source.

" It's 2 in the afternoon jungkook, really it's time to get up"

Jin still caressing Bam who is now standing between his legs, feeling secure. Bam is a small boy with a big body, jhope always teases him, telling him it's all Jin's fate because he babysits him a lot.

" Bam go inside the house right now.. "

Still, jungkook is not up, but he can see Bam between Seokjin's legs, if anyone knows them personally then they know this sight is jungkook's weakness.

" Oh, why??"

Jin couldn't play with Bam as they do in their home after coming here, because of the 24/7 cameras shooting them.

" He can't be spoiled anymore, he was already out the whole night, and he becomes a ming brat day by day, Bam go inside the house right now "

Jungkook's voice was firm,  Jin could tell he was displacing his anger on Bam, but not entirely, as he is the strict parent between them. He is the one who teaches disciplines while Seokjin is the one to spoil them, it feels balanced.

Jin doesn't want to anger Jungkook more, so he tells Bam to go inside the house after giving a kiss to him. Bam is a good boy, unlike his siblings, really he is not that brat compared to Jjang.

Jin stared at Jungkook who was still lying down on his stomach, not looking at him. It seems Jungkangry.

Jin looked at the camera once, not one of the auto-rotating cameras was recording every moment happening in the room. He exhaled before jumping on the bed. Fuck everything, right now Jin needs Jungkook and he knows Jungkook needs him too. They need each other.

If it goes overboard the editing team will edit it out, their ship is not a popular or trending one. So they will edit the things which don't bring the views or they will name it as brothers play.

Seokjin covered themselves in the blanket before falling on Jungkook's back, Who was still not moving,  not accepting his presence either. Jin spreads himself on Jungkook's back, which is well-toned, and carries him without effort. Jin loves it, but it's secret if he tells it to Jungkook he will go overboard with the workout.

They lay down there in peaceful silence with only the sound of birds chirping and wind breeze and faint sounds of Bam moving around.

" I am sorry "

" Jungkook commo'n I said sorry, I was drunk, babe. "

Still, jungkook gave the silent treatment, as he already got annoyed with the roles he had to play, and his boyfriend suddenly canceled the plans they planned out of the blue.

" You don't care "

" Baby, you also know it's not true. I care about us, about you, and it was just ...okay I don't give any more excuses, whatever it was it was my fault and I am sorry for that "

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