13.My bratty baby

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Double update as I was gone for a long( not so long) 😅

🤧I am trying to write these types of stories as I love to read them, but I don't know if they are good enough to publish, yet here is the chapter...


" I love you"

" Seokjin stop it and go back to your work "

Seokjin bit his lips as his boss who is also his wedded husband scolded him...

" I want divorce already"

Seokjin surely murmured it to himself before leaving Jungkook's chamber with Jimin his colleague more of his best friend in crime who made Jin take a step without doubting himself when initially Jungkook tried to hit on him....

So the result is now they are married ...

" Why are you so grumpy now??"

Jimin asked while winking at their new management director who is young and dynamic and has long legs which Jimin claims are his kink, Jin teased because he doesn't have it.

" I feel our sparkle is dead jimini, look at him ... can't he even say back those words to me..?? "

Seokjin's pout already visited his face making him look damn cute, jimin always asked him to let him kiss, yes jimin always wanted to kiss Jin...

" Baby...it's not even a week since I heard you screaming his name at the top of your lungs when he was fucking the shit out of you in your home, I called you all to ask if were you ready for our plan but you guys traumatized me "

Seokjin ears are a little red remembering what exactly happened that night...

" He fucked me for telling me I am going to a strip club !! I couldn't move like a normal human so I had to cancel our plan "

That made Jimin laugh his ass out, yes that little shit Jungkook is so lucky to get Jin, and Jin likes his possessiveness ...

" You like it when he is all over you right??"

" I love it...you know it makes me feel special and I am a little ....hmm I think my libido is so good "

" Just say you are slut for your husband"

" You are so up to point jimini and I hate it...now tell me should I divorce him??"

Jimin shook his head while smiling, he filled coffee for Jin and green tea for himself... of course, he had to maintain his sexy body ...

" After divorce would you like to have me as your sex partner??"

That made Jin spit his coffee a little, thanks to Jimin

" You never let it go right?? hmm... I may let you kiss me if I divorce Jungkook, that's all"

Jimin rolled his eyes,  yes he is a bottom but why can't Jin believe in his ability to be a top?

" Okay...then divorce him "

That made Jin laugh before they went back to their respective cabins...

It was 7 in the evening when Jin reached the apartment, he took a shower a little longer as he loved his body so much that he liked to appreciate it peacefully at least once a day...

He covered himself in a bathrobe, and used a hairdryer as he doesn't like it when his hair is wet...then he took his own time to apply body lotion, He loves his moisturized skin...it's so soft that he only wants to pinch himself...

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