17. cute stranger

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Jungkook looked outside the bus window, the clouds were still crying, with little screams in between. He sighed, it was a bad day for him. He again couldn't get a corporate job to fulfill his mom's wish.

He has to try again.

But he is not an employee, he works as a helper in his friend's restaurant. He gets enough money from his other 2 part-time jobs to maintain his daily life.

So today he has to practice again how to smile in front of people as he feels he forgot it very long back in his busy life.

" Can you please move ??"

A low-volume voice made him turn, he saw a guy who was wearing a denim jacket and nice pants, branded shoes, a bag in which you can't keep anything other than paper, and a hat on his head covering his eyes.

His half-covered face looked red, especially the tip of his nose tomato red. Is he crying?? Or is it just winter??

He moved giving space for the guy.

The guy took a seat after removing the bag from his shoulder, they were wide...!

It seemed the guy was trying to call someone, but someone didn't pick up the call. He huffed and threw his phone inside his fancy bag. Breaking up a little. He kept on rubbing his clothed forearm on his cheeks, and Jungkook understood he was crying.

Maybe the guy had a bad day. Well, Jungkook is not a social butterfly, he is not a guy who approaches people first. Now asking 'Have you had a bad day ?? ' is something out of the box. And he doesn't know if even that guy shares something, what he will say. After all, he also had a bad day.

But even after 5 min, the guy is trying to wipe his tears more vigorously making Jungkook worry a little... So he finally made courage,

"Hmm...*cough*, I think your nose skin will start peeling if you are wiping it so many times "

Well, it's Jungkook, so it has to be awkward.

" Hmm...Is my nose skin peeled ?? "

The guy removed his hat and started touching his nose after a little ruffling his hair as they looked a little drenched

The guy has a perfect side profile, but all Jungkook can see how plump my lips are ...

Jungkook get together yourself...

" No... I meant, it might you know..."

Jungkook bites him not knowing how to continue.

" Oh, thank you... "

Jungkook bowed a little and his mouth opened and shut twice, after embarrassing himself he turned to the window. He wishes his stop to come faster.

" It looks like you had a bad day !!"

The guy asked Jungkook, wiping his tears and putting back his hat,  not in the manner covering his face anymore.

" Hmm.... yea,  just "

Jungkook didn't know how to respond, he should have been the one to ask, cause the guy looked at him, and he was even crying.

" Sorry, it looks like you also had a bad day "

Finally, Jungkook made courage, maybe the guy won't feel he is being nosy or trying to hit on him as he already asked it first.

" Oh yes, it was such a bad day for me...you know what happened..."

The guy turned to him more and took off his hat and his hands started moving with his every word.

Jungkook decided he would be a venting outlet for this guy now, he is okay. He can listen,  he does that whenever Hoseok, his best friend comes and cries about how he didn't get to drink his americano in the morning because he woke up late or when his crush ignores him, or maybe when he fucks up his designer shoes while making self design on that...so he is a professional listener.

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