3. Bunny jk

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Seokjin is not understanding what to feel now.  Be proud that finally, his friends proved that they also have brains. Or feel frustrated about how weird their brain works??

He is a prank master there is no doubt about that, well his friends are the target always. But he never thought one day his friends will do pranks on him, that too at 6 am on Sunday, making him feel ' what the fuck!?'

" Seriously .....who are you??"

" I told you...I am bunny Jk 1091997 "

" So you are telling me you are a hybrid bunny who escaped from a lab and doesn't want to go back there. And I have to believe all this bullshit"

" Bullshit....bullshit...bullshit, I don't remember learning this word, can you tell me which language it is ?? They taught me only Korean "

" Wa!!!! You are well trained. Now tell me is it that Jimin??! I don't believe it can be Hoseok though"

" Jimin!? Hoseok!? "

The said man? bunny? Whatever is looking at Jin with innocent dripping eyes, blinking often making it more adorable. If Jin wasn't getting pranked now he would have kissed this man, because fucking he looks so kissable...!?

" Ahh....how much they paid you?? Why the hell my Sunday should go like this? Ahh, that fuckers..."

Jin immediately called and told all five friends should get their asses immediately in his house, otherwise, he is not going to pay for their planned beer party tonight, and well all of them know Jin is the only one among them to have a stable permanent job.

After 30 min-

" What is this? Did you call us to do a prank on us?? Can't we have a peaceful morning on Sunday??"

Yoongi yelled at Seokjin who was taken aback after getting Yoong's filterless yelling, so Seokjin confirmed Yoongi was safe and well Hoseok was always safe, and looking at Namjoon who still had to comprehend face on, well the left ones are-


Taehyung and Jimin were playing with the ears of the so-called bunny, which are maybe made out of wax they look like real ones that made that bunny Jk 107-  whatever to smile. perfect like Bunny the one he claimed to be.

In between all of it, Jin saw JK have a tail too, a little one...cute...like he wants to touch it. But before that, he wants to confirm whose prank it is, so maybe he can ask Bunny's real name and take him out for a coffee.


" Jimin ah, Tae ah it's time for you guys to raise your hands with pride. Now tell me  who did the prank on me??"

For that Jimin and Taehyung shook their heads, telling them they were born innocent. How can Jin doubt them?

" Aish...what the hell he is???"

The loud yelling from Jin made JK hide under the dining table slowly and in front of the 5 pairs of eyes the man converted completely into a rabbit....!!!

The second when they comprehend what just happened everyone starts screaming and running around in the house making Jk to startle some more. He doesn't even know where to run!!

It becomes chaotic, seokjin and Hoseok are clutching each other while settled on the corner of a couch, yoongi is on the kitchen counter, and Namjoon is the one still standing near the hall behind the curtain, of course, Taehyung trailed behind Jimin who took little steps towards Jk...mean bunny...the real bunny. His hands reached under the table and started petting JK until he got comfortable and felt it was safe to move.

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