12. My dramatic soulmate

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" Oh my god...."

Jin paced around in his room while his roommate was busy finishing their ordered food for the night.

" Oh my... Jimin, how can it be true?? Like ..... Why??????"

Jimin finished his last bite took his own time to wipe his mouth with tissue and drank water before speaking..

" Why????, That nobody knows Jin, what is wrong with Jungkook being your soulmate ?"

Jimin's calm tone makes Jin furious more...

What's wrong??? Tell me what's not wrong ....!!

" He...he has tattoos, piercings and biceps, abs and...and... those things which I don't like...and he has everything which I don't want in my soulmate"

Jimin shook his head before dumping the waste in the dustbin.

" Just tell, you are just in shock after getting your dream man "

Seokjin rolled his eyes...yes he has so many fantasies about his soulmate, and yes it includes tattoos, piercings, chains, man bun, like you know totally bad guy type they show in drama but NOT JUNGKOOK though....

" Shut up, he is not a match to my beauty come on"

" Our whole college dies for his one look"

" Not me though"

Jin shrugged before tucking himself under the blanket...

He still remembers the red butterfly mark that formed on Jungkook's chest matching Seokjin's on his neck....

" But you still didn't tell me how you guys got to know you both are each other's soulmates!! "

Seokjin pretended to look like he was sleeping...

" Don't tell me you guys fucked and got soulmate prints"!!!!!!

Jimin yelled at Jin as if it could be a possibility...

" No fuck...why the hell I will fuck him"??

Seokjin opened his eyes with horror and defended himself

" Then??"

" Go to sleep mini, I have to get my beauty sleep to look good tomorrow"

" For him??"

For that Jimin got hit by a pillow on his face...

Seokjin turned his back to Jimin before he settled himself under warm blankets...

It was actually....they....they kissed

SeokJin is not sure whether they would have stopped kissing if he hadn't noticed the red lines forming on Jungkook's chest...yes that guy unnecessarily opened his first four buttons,seokjin sometimes wondered why he even wore a shirt at this rate.

Well, the kiss was not romantic or something...it was just I hate you so much I wanna fuck the heck out of you kind off, seokjin's fingers moved over his lips remembering how jungkook's lips abused his plump soft pinkish lips.. jungkook should feel blessed for touching his lips.

A chill ran through his body as he felt how jungkook bit his lips....he wanted to punch him for that, he couldn't understand when his fingers moved into others' hairs to grip them tightly making jungkook more aggressive,

He can't believe how their body got attached not leaving any space for air also...

Jungkook's tongue....well it's thin and long, of course, he talks a lot and does enough exercise for it to move at inhuman speed in Jin's mouth without getting tired, how it will move when he eats someone..!... means to say something !!?

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