26. Crack to my celibacy l

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" How did you guys meet?? "

" How??? Through the interview and seokjin was good and got appointed.. "

"Oh, so it's all started through the interview"!!!

Jimin squealed happily looking at Seokjin whose soul was exiting from his body as the minute passed.

" I loved your designs Jimin Shi they are precise. Exactly the way I wished, I am so happy I could find a native designer soon before the competition started "

" oh, it's my pleasure to work with you Jungkook Shi and I am so grateful for Jin Hyung recommending my name "

Seokjin makes sure to maintain a pleasant smile on his face throughout the conversation, all he wishes is for this meeting to end quickly and for Jimin to be out of his boss's cabin as soon as possible.

" And I wanted to ask you, what's the most important thing you liked in Jin Hyung!?"

Jungkook had a confused look on his face, liked!?? He looked at his secretary who was looking at his friend.

" Hmm, he works very elegantly "!!

" That's true, no one can deny it but.. - "

"Jimin ah, I guess you are running out of your time. Remember you told me Yoongi is coming to pick you up? You should get going now, hahaha "

Seokjin hoped he handled it before the catastrophe like a pro.

" oh yeah, I have to. Let's meet for lunch or dinner next time Jungkook shi, it's so nice to meet you. I hope my designs and your marketing skills make wonder. And I am so happy Seokjin Hyung met someone like you. I am happy for both of you. "

Fuck this Jimin is so nice Jin can't be mad at him for long. He always wished for Seokjin's happiness. Jimin left the hall after giving a hug to Seokjin.

" Aren't  your friend is little weird seokjin!?"

Finally, seokjin felt his tortured soul leave his body completely.

"What do you mean sir!?"

Seokjin somehow maintained a poker face not letting much information leak out from his expressions as his boss might be younger than him but he was good at reading Seokjin somehow.

Very good at it.

" His questions were like more....hmm.... interrogating soon-to-be brother-in-law than a business partner talking about the new project and what's that I am happy for both of you!!"?

Jungkook owns one of the successful branded cloth companies, a heritage property from his granddad. But he is well deserved for the position, he never misses his wealth or power. He is 26 and way more mature than his age.

Well, SeokJin is 29 year old, simple man who works in Jungkook's company as his secretary. The pay is good. He has his luggage so he never made the courage to get a boyfriend which may be one of the reasons his friend looked too pleasant earlier.

Jin recommended Jimin's name who is still a rookie in fashion design but his designs are no less than any award-winning designer, his boss got excited seeing Jimin's designs and even praised him a lot for having such talent. So seokjin fixed the meeting, well in one of the situations just to avoid the questions and embarrassment of being single seokjin lied about dating his boss. Because he never thought one day his friends going to meet his boss.

Now Jimin was excited to know about the details. God !!!! What he will tell his boss!!? That he used his name?

Such Shame, Seokjin wants to cry.

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